Okay, so this is a video mixer that started as an attempt to learn Max/Jitter from Andrew Benson's tutorials on the cycling 74 site, and turned in to a bit of an driving force behind my interest in code, design, and systems.
I wish all the iterations of this project were represented here, but unfortunately the files have changed and morphed too many times without version control to have this. If I find past verisions, I will retroactively merge them.
Please feel free to use any code in this. Much of the functionality has been replaced by Cycling 74's release of Jizzle, and it's designed around the use of a grid based controlled (in my case the monome), but maybe it'll be useful to someone.:
I learned from a lot of people working on this project. There are comments and citations throughout my code, but Andrew Benson ( http://pixlpa.com/ ) and Anton Marini ( http://abstrakt.vade.info/ ) were the main guys.