From left to right these parts are:
- 470Ω resistor
- 10kΩ resistor
- 100nF ceramic capacitor
- These are not polarized and you can connect them in any way
- 1000uF/6.3V capacitor
- The short leg is minus. Sometimes there is a minus sign one the negative side as well
- NeoPixel 5mm Through-Hole LED. The legs from left to right represent (the flat side is to the right):
- Short leg 1: Data in
- Short leg 2: +5V
- Long leg 1: Ground
- Long leg 2: Data out
- A push button
Download the arduino IDE. Install the following libraries (other versions than the ones given will most probably work as well but I compiled it with these versions):
- Adafruit NeoPixel version 1.1.3
- EnableInterrupt version 0.9.8
To install a library go to Sketch
-> Include Library
-> Manage Libraries...