Simple Console App that queries search engines and compares how many results they return, for Example:
C:\SearchFight.exe .net java
.net: Google: 13200000 MSN Search: 15600000
java: Google: 405000 MSN Search: 20700000
Google winner: .net
MSN Search winner: java
Total winner: .net
Because it is using the google search engine and bing , the application needs 3 keys to work :
- Google API Key
- Google Custom Engine Key
- Bing Search Engine Key
Once you have it , Just Update the following keys in the App.Config
<add key="GoogleAPIKey" value="YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE"/>
<add key="GoogleCEKey" value="YOUR_GOOGLE_CUSTOM_ENGINE_KEY_HERE"/>
<add key="BingKey" value="YOUR_BING_API_KEY_HERE"/>
Just add another client class and implement ISearchClient , and thats it !
Compile the solution with visual studio and the exe will be generated.
- Fody - Embeds dependencies as resources.
- Fluent Assertions - To Improve readability of the tests
This project is licensed under the MIT License