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[Bug] RafteryCopula fixes. (#137)
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* Fixing the pdf and clearing out the code.
Fixes #98

* Small fix for boundary conditions

* Add final test and fix previous values

* Add manually computed values


Co-authored-by: Santymax98
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lrnv authored Feb 20, 2024
1 parent c6976cf commit d8fed1e
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Showing 5 changed files with 97 additions and 73 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Copula.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ Base.length(::Copula{d}) where d = d
# Base.eltype
function Distributions.cdf(C::Copula{d},u::VT) where {d,VT<:AbstractVector}
length(u) != d && throw(ArgumentError("Dimension mismatch between copula and input vector"))
if any(iszero,u)
return zero(u[1])
elseif all(isone,u)
return one(u[1])
return _cdf(C,u)
function Distributions.cdf(C::Copula{d},A::AbstractMatrix) where d
size(A,1) != d && throw(ArgumentError("Dimension mismatch between copula and input vector"))
return [_cdf(C,u) for u in eachcol(A)]
return [Distributions.cdf(C,u) for u in eachcol(A)]
function _cdf(C::CT,u) where {CT<:Copula}
if any(iszero.(u))
return zero(u[1])
elseif all(isone.(u))
return one(u[1])
f(x) = Distributions.pdf(C,x)
z = zeros(eltype(u),length(C))
return Cubature.hcubature(f,z,u,reltol=sqrt(eps()))[1]
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49 changes: 14 additions & 35 deletions src/MiscellaneousCopulas/RafteryCopula.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Constructor
RafteryCopula(d, θ)
The Multivariate Raftery Copula of dimension d is arameterized by ``\\theta \\in [0,1]``
The Multivariate Raftery Copula of dimension d is parameterized by ``\\theta \\in [0,1]``
C_{\\theta}(\\mathbf{u}) = u_{(1)} + \\frac{(1 - \\theta)(1 - d)}{1 - \\theta - d} \\left(\\prod_{j=1}^{d} u_j\\right)^{\\frac{1}{1-\\theta}} - \\sum_{i=2}^{d} \\frac{\\theta(1-\\theta)}{(1-\\theta-i)(2-\\theta-i)} \\left(\\prod_{j=1}^{i-1}u_{(j)}\\right)^{\\frac{1}{1-\\theta}}u_{(i)}^{\\frac{2-\\theta-i}{1-\\theta}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,58 +39,37 @@ struct RafteryCopula{d, P} <: Copula{d}
Base.eltype(R::RafteryCopula) = eltype(R.θ)

function _cdf(R::RafteryCopula{d,P}, u) where {d,P}

if any(iszero,u)
return zero(u[1])
if all(isone,u)
return one(u[1])

# Order the vector u
u_ordered = sort(u)

term1 = u_ordered[1]
term2 = (1 - R.θ) * (1 - d) / (1 - R.θ - d) * prod(u).^(1/(1 - R.θ))

term3 = 0.0
for i in 2:d
prod_prev = prod(u_ordered[1:i-1])
term3 += R.θ * (1 - R.θ) / ((1 - R.θ - i) * (2 - R.θ - i)) * prod_prev^(1/(1 - R.θ)) * u_ordered[i]^((2 - R.θ - i) / (1 - R.θ))
term3_part = R.θ * (1 - R.θ) / ((1 - R.θ - i) * (2 - R.θ - i)) * prod_prev^(1/(1 - R.θ)) * u_ordered[i]^((2 - R.θ - i) / (1 - R.θ))
term3 += term3_part
# Combine the terms to get the cumulative distribution function
cdf_value = term1 + term2 - term3

return cdf_value
return term1 + term2 - term3
function Distributions._logpdf(R::RafteryCopula{d,P}, u::Vector{T}) where {d,P,T}
# Order the vector u
u_ordered = sort(u)

term_denominator = (1 - R.θ)^(d - 1) * (1 - R.θ - d)
term_numerator = 1 - d - R.θ * u_ordered[d]^((1 - R.θ - d) / (1 - R.θ))
term_product = prod(u)^((R.θ) / (1 - R.θ))

logpdf_value = log(term_numerator) - log(term_denominator) + log(term_product)

return logpdf_value
l_den = (d-1) * log(1-R.θ) + log(d + R.θ -1)
l_num = log(d - 1 + R.θ * u_ordered[d]^((1 - R.θ - d) / (1 - R.θ)))
l_prd = (R.θ) / (1 - R.θ) * log(prod(u))
return l_num - l_den + l_prd

function Distributions._rand!(rng::Distributions.AbstractRNG, R::RafteryCopula{d,P}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {d,P,T <: Real}

dim = length(x)

# Step 1: Generate independent values u, u_1, ..., u_d from a uniform distribution [0, 1]
u = rand(rng, dim+1)
u = rand(rng, d)

# Step 2: Generate j from a Bernoulli distribution with parameter θ
j = rand(Distributions.Bernoulli(R.θ), 1)
uj = u[1]^j[1]
uj = (rand(rng)<R.θ) ? rand(rng) : 1

# Step 3: Calculate v_1, ..., v_d
for i in 2:dim+1
x[i-1] = u[i]^(1 - R.θ) * uj
for i in 1:d
x[i] = u[i]^(1 - R.θ) * uj

return x
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107 changes: 77 additions & 30 deletions test/RafteryTest.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,44 +13,23 @@ end
rng = StableRNG(123)
for d in [2, 3, 4]
F = RafteryCopula(d, 0.5)

# Test CDF with some random values
u = rand(d)
cdf_value = cdf(F, u)
cdf_value = cdf(F, rand(d))
pdf_value = pdf(F,rand(d))
@test cdf_value >= 0 && cdf_value <= 1
@test pdf_value >= 0

@test cdf(RafteryCopula(2, 0.8), [0.2, 0.5]) 0.199432 atol=1e-5
@test cdf(RafteryCopula(2, 0.5), [0.3, 0.8]) 0.2817 atol=1e-5
@test_broken cdf(RafteryCopula(3, 0.5), [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) 0.08325884 atol=1e-5
@test_broken cdf(RafteryCopula(3, 0.1), [0.4, 0.8, 0.2]) 0.120415 atol=1e-5

@testitem "RafteryCopula PDF" begin
using StableRNGs
using Distributions
rng = StableRNG(123)
for d in [2, 3, 4]
F = RafteryCopula(d, 0.5)
@test cdf(RafteryCopula(3, 0.5), [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) 0.08236007 atol=1e-5
@test cdf(RafteryCopula(3, 0.1), [0.4, 0.8, 0.2]) 0.08581997 atol=1e-5

# Test PDF with some random values
u = rand(rng,d)
@test_broken 0 <= pdf(F, u) <= 1
examples = [
([0.2, 0.5], [0.114055555, 1e-4], 0.8),
([0.3, 0.8], [0.6325, 1e-4], 0.5),
([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [1.9945086, 1e-4], 0.5),
([0.4, 0.8, 0.2], [0.939229, 1e-4], 0.1),

for (u, expected, θ) in examples
copula = RafteryCopula(length(u), θ)
@test_broken pdf(copula, u) expected[1] atol=expected[2]
@test pdf(RafteryCopula(2, 0.8), [0.2, 0.5]) 0.114055555 atol=1e-4
@test pdf(RafteryCopula(2, 0.5), [0.3, 0.8]) 0.6325 atol=1e-4
@test pdf(RafteryCopula(3, 0.5), [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) 1.9945086 atol=1e-4
@test pdf(RafteryCopula(3, 0.1), [0.4, 0.8, 0.2]) 0.939229 atol=1e-4

@testitem "RafteryCopula Sampling" begin
using StableRNGs
rng = StableRNG(123)
Expand All @@ -59,3 +38,71 @@ end
samples = rand(rng,F, n_samples)
@test size(samples) == (3, n_samples)

@testitem "Check against manual version - CDF" begin
using Distributions
function prueba_CDF(R::Vector{T}, u::Vector{T}) where T
# Order the vector u
θ = R[1]
# println("param:", θ)
d = round(Int, R[2])
# println("dimension:", d)
u_ordered = sort(u)
# println("Sorted vector: ", u_ordered)

term1 = u_ordered[1]
# println("Term 1: ", term1)

term2 = ((1 - θ) * (1 -d)) / (1 - θ - d) * prod(u)^(1/(1 - θ))
# println("Term 2: ", term2)

term3 = 0.0
for i in 2:d # <<<<<<<<--------------- This should be 2:d and not 2:length(R) since length(R) is not the dimension.
prod_prev = prod(u_ordered[1:i-1])
term3_part = ((θ * (1 - θ)) / ((1 - θ - i) * (2 - θ - i))) * prod_prev^(1/(1 - θ)) * u_ordered[i]^((2 - θ - i) / (1 - θ))
# println("Term 3 (part $i): ", term3_part)
term3 += term3_part

# Combine the terms to get the cumulative distribution function
cdf_value = term1 + term2 - term3
# println("Final CDF value: ", cdf_value)

return cdf_value
@test prueba_CDF([0.5,3], [0.1,0.2,0.3]) 0.08236 atol=1e-4 # According to
@test prueba_CDF([0.5,3], [0.1,0.2,0.3]) cdf(RafteryCopula(3,0.5), [0.1,0.2,0.3])
@test prueba_CDF([0.8,2], [0.1,0.2]) cdf(RafteryCopula(2,0.8), [0.1,0.2])
@test prueba_CDF([0.2,2], [0.8,0.2]) cdf(RafteryCopula(2,0.2), [0.8,0.2])

@testitem "Check against manual version - PDF" begin
using Distributions
function prueba_PDF(R::Vector{T}, u::Vector{T}) where T
# Order the vector u
θ = R[1]
d = round(Int, R[2])
u_ordered = sort(u)
# println("Sorted vector: ", u_ordered)

term1 = (1/(((1-θ)^(d-1))*(1-θ-d)))
# println("Term 1: ", term1)

term2 = (1-d-θ*(u_ordered[d])^((1-θ-d)/(1-θ)))
# println("Term 2: ", term2)

term3 = (prod(u))^((θ)/(1-θ))
# println(term3)
# Combine the terms to get the density distribution function
pdf_value = term1*term2*term3
# println("Final PDF value: ", pdf_value)

return pdf_value
@test prueba_PDF([0.5,3], [0.1,0.2,0.3]) 1.99450 atol=1e-4 # According to
@test prueba_PDF([0.5,3], [0.1,0.2,0.3]) pdf(RafteryCopula(3,0.5), [0.1,0.2,0.3])
@test prueba_PDF([0.8,2], [0.1,0.2]) pdf(RafteryCopula(2,0.8), [0.1,0.2])
@test prueba_PDF([0.2,2], [0.8,0.2]) pdf(RafteryCopula(2,0.2), [0.8,0.2])
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/kendall_tau_notnan.jl
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@

for C in cops
@show C
@test !isnan(Copulas.τ(C))
@test_broken Copulas.τ(ArchimedeanCopula(2,i𝒲(LogNormal(),2))) # not implemented.
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion test/margins_uniformity.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,6 @@
n = 1000
U = Uniform(0,1)
for C in cops
@show C
d = length(C)
CT = typeof(C)
rng = StableRNG(123)
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