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Feature: Chat reference link support #27

Feature: Chat reference link support

Feature: Chat reference link support #27

GitHub Actions / Android Unit Tests succeeded Nov 27, 2023 in 0s

Android Unit Tests ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ test-outputs/push/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationReceiveTest.xml

4 tests were completed in 21s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationReceiveTest 4✅ 21s

✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationReceiveTest

✅ should forward notification with valid version
✅ should discard notification with non-existing version
✅ should discard gibberish notification
✅ should discard notification with non-matching version