Because of YouCompleteMe plugin you need to make sure you have Vim > 7.3.584, The compile instructions are here.
To download and install this repository, follow these steps:
$ git clone ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
$ ln -s ~/.vim/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
You also need to follow these instructions in order to install YouCompleteMe.
Finally, I use Meslo font in GVim, you might want to install it.
- The leader is mapped to comma
- The semicollon is mapped to collon
- w (,w in normal mode) saves the file
- <leaderW (,W in normal mode) will save and quit (same as :wq)
- F3 will toggle number+relativenumber (hybrid mode)