This repository contains some example projects that I developed as a teaching assistant of the course Electronic Technologies and Biosensors Laboratory at the Politecnico di Milano university (Milan, Italy).
The projects are intented to explain to the students how to use a PSoC 5LP microcontroller and its IDE, PSoC Creator. In particular, we used the CY8CKIT-059 development kit.
- Led Driver: project showing different ways of controlling a simple LED
- HCSR04: project showing how to measure distance using an ultrasound sensor (the HCSR04)
- MPU9250: project showing how to use the I2C communication protocol and to read accelerometer and gyroscope values from the MPU9250 IMU
- EEPROM: project showing how to read and write data in the embedded EEPROM.
- TMUX1208: project showing how to interface the PSoC 5LP with a TMUX1208.
- I2C: project showing how I2C communication can be established between a PSoC 5LP and a PSoC 6
- HTS221: project showing how to communicate with a HTS221 temperature and relative humidity sensor using the I2C protocol. This project also implements some software design patterns for embedded systems.
- BME280: project with a full driver for the BME280 temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor.
- Sensirion SHT7x and SHT85
- ADC measurements