Queueflood is an awesome website to go and get your coding problems answered. Create an
account, ask and answer questions, and vote on the best answers!
- clone repo
- npm install
- set up dotenv
- create, migrate and seed db
- npm start
- localhost:8080
- JavaScript
- Pugjs
- Heroku
- postgres
- nodejs
- sequelizejs
- expressjs
- bcryptjs
- csurf
- morgan
- cookie-parser
- faker
- User profile page
- Styling of questions and answers
- Vote on questions
- Advanced search
- Comments sections
Enabling Search
Creating a functioning vote system
var count=0 each vote in answer.Votes if vote.isVote === true count = count + 1 if vote.isVote === false count = count - 1 div.score-display span.score(id=`score-${answer.id}`) #{count} div.vote if authenticated if answer.Votes.length === 0 button.upVote(id=`upvote-${answer.id}`) upvote button.downVote(id=`downvote-${answer.id}`) downvote each vote in answer.Votes if authenticated if vote.userId === user.id if vote.isVote === true button.upVote(id=`upvote-${answer.id}` class='highlight') upvote button.downVote(id=`downvote-${answer.id}`) downvote if vote.isVote === false button.upVote(id=`upvote-${answer.id}`) upvote button.downVote(id=`downvote-${answer.id}` class='highlight') downvote if vote.userId !== user.id button.upVote(id=`upvote-${answer.id}`) upvote button.downVote(id=`downvote-${answer.id}`) downvote