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Merge pull request #60 from NotNANtoN/main
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[WIP] Adding same functionality as deep-daze
  • Loading branch information
lucidrains authored Mar 31, 2021
2 parents ff6259f + dd8a55b commit 5275562
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 57 deletions.
188 changes: 135 additions & 53 deletions big_sleep/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch.optim import Adam

from torchvision.utils import save_image

import os
import sys
import subprocess
Expand All @@ -14,6 +7,15 @@

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import random

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from torch.optim import Adam
from torchvision.utils import save_image
import torchvision.transforms as T
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm, trange

from big_sleep.ema import EMA
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,10 +65,20 @@ def open_folder(path):

def underscorify(value):
no_punctuation = str(value.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
spaces_to_one_underline = re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '_', no_punctuation).strip('-_') # strip gets rid of leading or trailing underscores
return spaces_to_one_underline
def create_text_path(text=None, img=None, encoding=None):
input_name = ""
if text is not None:
input_name += text
if img is not None:
if isinstance(img, str):
img_name = "".join(img.split(".")[:-1]) # replace spaces by underscores, remove img extension
img_name = img_name.split("/")[-1] # only take img name, not path
img_name = "PIL_img"
input_name += "_" + img_name
if encoding is not None:
input_name = "your_encoding"
return input_name.replace("-", "_").replace(",", "").replace(" ", "_").strip('-_')[:255]

# tensor helpers

Expand All @@ -85,6 +97,39 @@ def differentiable_topk(x, k, temperature=1.):
topks =, dim=-1)
return topks.reshape(n, k, dim).sum(dim = 1)

def create_clip_img_transform(image_width):
clip_mean = [0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073]
clip_std = [0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711]
transform = T.Compose([
T.CenterCrop((image_width, image_width)),
T.Normalize(mean=clip_mean, std=clip_std)
return transform

def rand_cutout(image, size, center_bias=False, center_focus=2):
width = image.shape[-1]
min_offset = 0
max_offset = width - size
if center_bias:
# sample around image center
center = max_offset / 2
std = center / center_focus
offset_x = int(random.gauss(mu=center, sigma=std))
offset_y = int(random.gauss(mu=center, sigma=std))
# resample uniformly if over boundaries
offset_x = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset) if (offset_x > max_offset or offset_x < min_offset) else offset_x
offset_y = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset) if (offset_y > max_offset or offset_y < min_offset) else offset_y
offset_x = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset)
offset_y = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset)
cutout = image[:, :, offset_x:offset_x + size, offset_y:offset_y + size]
return cutout

# load clip

perceptor, normalize_image = load('ViT-B/32', jit = False)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +195,7 @@ def forward(self):
out = self.biggan(*self.latents(), 1)
return (out + 1) / 2

# load siren

class BigSleep(nn.Module):
def __init__(
Expand All @@ -161,13 +206,15 @@ def __init__(
max_classes = None,
class_temperature = 2.,
experimental_resample = False,
ema_decay = 0.99
ema_decay = 0.99,
center_bias = False,
self.loss_coef = loss_coef
self.image_size = image_size
self.num_cutouts = num_cutouts
self.experimental_resample = experimental_resample
self.center_bias = center_bias

self.interpolation_settings = {'mode': 'bilinear', 'align_corners': False} if bilinear else {'mode': 'nearest'}

Expand All @@ -187,8 +234,6 @@ def sim_txt_to_img(self, text_embed, img_embed, text_type="max"):
sign = 1
return sign * self.loss_coef * torch.cosine_similarity(text_embed, img_embed, dim = -1).mean()

def forward(self, text_embeds, text_min_embeds=[], return_loss = True):
width, num_cutouts = self.image_size, self.num_cutouts

Expand All @@ -199,10 +244,10 @@ def forward(self, text_embeds, text_min_embeds=[], return_loss = True):

pieces = []
for ch in range(num_cutouts):
# sample cutout size
size = int(width * torch.zeros(1,).normal_(mean=.8, std=.3).clip(.5, .95))
offsetx = torch.randint(0, width - size, ())
offsety = torch.randint(0, width - size, ())
apper = out[:, :, offsetx:offsetx + size, offsety:offsety + size]
# get cutout
apper = rand_cutout(out, size, center_bias=self.center_bias)
if (self.experimental_resample):
apper = resample(apper, (224, 224))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,13 +287,16 @@ def forward(self, text_embeds, text_min_embeds=[], return_loss = True):
for txt_min_embed in text_min_embeds:
results.append(self.sim_txt_to_img(txt_min_embed, image_embed, "min"))
sim_loss = sum(results).mean()
return (lat_loss, cls_loss, sim_loss)
return out, (lat_loss, cls_loss, sim_loss)

class Imagine(nn.Module):
def __init__(
text_min = "",
lr = .07,
image_size = 512,
Expand All @@ -266,7 +314,9 @@ def __init__(
save_date_time = False,
save_best = False,
experimental_resample = False,
ema_decay = 0.99
ema_decay = 0.99,
num_cutouts = 128,
center_bias = False,

Expand All @@ -290,9 +340,9 @@ def __init__(
max_classes = max_classes,
class_temperature = class_temperature,
experimental_resample = experimental_resample,
= ema_decay

ema_decay = ema_decay,
num_cutouts = num_cutouts,
center_bias = center_bias,

self.model = model
Expand All @@ -314,35 +364,65 @@ def __init__(
"max": [],
"min": []
self.set_text(text, text_min)

def encode_one_phrase(self, phrase):
return perceptor.encode_text(tokenize(f'''{phrase}''').cuda()).detach().clone()
# create img transform
self.clip_transform = create_clip_img_transform(perceptor.input_resolution.item())
# create starting encoding
self.set_clip_encoding(text=text, img=img, encoding=encoding, text_min=text_min)

def create_clip_encoding(self, text=None, img=None, encoding=None):
self.text = text
self.img = img
if encoding is not None:
encoding = encoding.cuda()
#elif self.create_story:
# encoding = self.update_story_encoding(epoch=0, iteration=1)
elif text is not None and img is not None:
encoding = (self.create_text_encoding(text) + self.create_img_encoding(img)) / 2
elif text is not None:
encoding = self.create_text_encoding(text)
elif img is not None:
encoding = self.create_img_encoding(img)
return encoding

def create_text_encoding(self, text):
tokenized_text = tokenize(text).cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
text_encoding = perceptor.encode_text(tokenized_text).detach()
return text_encoding

def encode_multiple_phrases(self, text, text_type="max"):
if len(text) > 0 and "\\" in text:
self.encoded_texts[text_type] = [self.encode_one_phrase(prompt_min) for prompt_min in text.split("\\")]
def create_img_encoding(self, img):
if isinstance(img, str):
img =
normed_img = self.clip_transform(img).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
img_encoding = perceptor.encode_image(normed_img).detach()
return img_encoding

def encode_multiple_phrases(self, text, img=None, encoding=None, text_type="max"):
if text is not None and "\\" in text:
self.encoded_texts[text_type] = [self.create_clip_encoding(text=prompt_min, img=img, encoding=encoding) for prompt_min in text.split("\\")]
self.encoded_texts[text_type] = [self.encode_one_phrase(text)]
self.encoded_texts[text_type] = [self.create_clip_encoding(text=text, img=img, encoding=encoding)]

def encode_max_and_min(self, text, text_min=""):
self.encode_multiple_phrases(text_min, "min")
def encode_max_and_min(self, text, img=None, encoding=None, text_min=""):
self.encode_multiple_phrases(text, img=img, encoding=encoding)
if text_min is not None and text_min != "":
self.encode_multiple_phrases(text_min, img=img, encoding=encoding, text_type="min")

def set_text(self, text, text_min=""):
def set_clip_encoding(self, text=None, img=None, encoding=None, text_min=""):
self.text = text
self.text_min = text_min
textpath = text[:255]

if len(text_min) > 0:
textpath = textpath + "_wout_" + text_min[:255]
textpath = underscorify(textpath)
text = text + "_wout_" + text_min[:255] if text is not None else "wout_" + text_min[:255]
text_path = create_text_path(text=text, img=img, encoding=encoding)
if self.save_date_time:
textpath ="%y%m%d-%H%M%S-") + textpath

self.textpath = textpath
self.filename = Path(f'./{textpath}.png')
self.encode_max_and_min(text, text_min) # Tokenize and encode each prompt
text_path ="%y%m%d-%H%M%S-") + text_path

self.text_path = text_path
self.filename = Path(f'./{text_path}.png')
self.encode_max_and_min(text, img=img, encoding=encoding, text_min=text_min) # Tokenize and encode each prompt

def reset(self):
Expand All @@ -353,7 +433,7 @@ def train_step(self, epoch, i, pbar=None):
total_loss = 0

for _ in range(self.gradient_accumulate_every):
losses = self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"], self.encoded_texts["min"])
out, losses = self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"], self.encoded_texts["min"])
loss = sum(losses) / self.gradient_accumulate_every
total_loss += loss
Expand All @@ -365,8 +445,8 @@ def train_step(self, epoch, i, pbar=None):
if (i + 1) % self.save_every == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
losses = self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"], self.encoded_texts["min"])
top_score, best = torch.topk(losses[2], k = 1, largest = False)
out, losses = self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"], self.encoded_texts["min"])
top_score, best = torch.topk(losses[2], k=1, largest=False)
image = self.model.model()[best].cpu()

Expand All @@ -379,20 +459,22 @@ def train_step(self, epoch, i, pbar=None):
if self.save_progress:
total_iterations = epoch * self.iterations + i
num = total_iterations // self.save_every
save_image(image, Path(f'./{self.textpath}.{num}.png'))
save_image(image, Path(f'./{self.text_path}.{num}.png'))

if self.save_best and top_score.item() < self.current_best_score:
self.current_best_score = top_score.item()
save_image(image, Path(f'./{self.textpath}.best.png'))
save_image(image, Path(f'./{self.text_path}.best.png'))

return total_loss
return out, total_loss

def forward(self):
penalizing = ""
if len(self.text_min) > 0:
penalizing = f'penalizing "{self.text_min}"'
print(f'Imagining "{self.text}" {penalizing}...')
self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"][0]) # one warmup step due to issue with CLIP and CUDA
print(f'Imagining "{self.text_path}" {penalizing}...')

with torch.no_grad():
self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"][0]) # one warmup step due to issue with CLIP and CUDA

if self.open_folder:
Expand All @@ -403,7 +485,7 @@ def forward(self):
pbar = trange(self.iterations, desc=' iteration', position=1, leave=True)
for i in pbar:
loss = self.train_step(epoch, i, image_pbar)
out, loss = self.train_step(epoch, i, image_pbar)
pbar.set_description(f'loss: {loss.item():04.2f}')

if terminate:
Expand Down
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions big_sleep/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
from pathlib import Path
from .version import __version__;

def train(
lr = .07,
image_size = 512,
Expand All @@ -25,15 +27,18 @@ def train(
class_temperature = 2.,
save_best = False,
experimental_resample = False,
ema_decay = 0.5
ema_decay = 0.5,
num_cutouts = 128,
center_bias = False,
print(f'Starting up... v{__version__}')

if random:
seed = rnd.randint(0, 1e6)

imagine = Imagine(
lr = lr,
image_size = image_size,
Expand All @@ -51,7 +56,9 @@ def train(
save_date_time = save_date_time,
save_best = save_best,
experimental_resample = experimental_resample,
ema_decay = ema_decay
ema_decay = ema_decay,
num_cutouts = num_cutouts,
center_bias = center_bias,

if not overwrite and imagine.filename.exists():
Expand Down

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