A voxel game based on Minecraft, coded in C with OpenGL.
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We rebuilt some of the iconic game Minecraft.
List prerequisites here
In order to be able to compile the project, you must install the following dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libglfw3 sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev sudo apt-get install libglew-dev sudo apt-get install freeglut3 sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
Moreover, regarding the unit-tests part of the project, you must install Criterion. You can get it from the github repository Criterion. This project uses Meson buildsystem to generate the executable along with Ninja, therefore you must also install the following dependencies:
sudo apt-get install meson sudo apt-get install ninja
- Go on https://lucmahoux.github.io
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/lucmahoux/CubicUniverse.git
- To build the project, you simply have to go to the root of the project and run :
if you want to build & run the project.
if you want to build & run the test-suite../compile debug
HOW TO PLAY CUBICUNIVERSE - Run it & gaze at the beauty of a skybox & some blocks :)