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KnockoutJS: Uncertainty markers plot (Box and whisker)

Dmitry A. Grechka edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

Uncertainty markers plot (Box-and-whisker)

box-whisker plot

You may want to read about general approach to the KnockoutJS support in IDD [here](KnockoutJS support). This page is about specific marker plot type.

To create box plot you must create marker plot and bind its shape to the special value: boxwhisker

Mandatory bindings:

  • iddShape - must be "boxwhisker" string
  • iddX (number array) - horizontal coordinates data series
  • iddYMedian (number array) - median values data series
  • iddUpper95 (number array) - upper 95% values data series (e.g. upper whisker)
  • iddUpper68 (number array) - upper 68% values data series (e.g. top of the box)
  • iddLower68 (number array) - lower 68% values data series (e.g. bottom of the box)
  • iddLower95 (number array) - lower 95% values data series (e.g. lower whisker)

Remark: the length of all of the arrays above must be the same. The plot will not be drawn until the length is the same.

Optional bindings:

  • iddSize (number) - a size in pixels, same for all markers
  • iddColor (string) - box color (same for all markers)
  • iddBorder (string) - box border and whiskers color (same for all markers)

Source code: View

    <div id="chart" data-idd-plot="chart">
        <div data-idd-plot="markers"
                iddYMedian: Median,
                iddLower95: Lower95,
                iddLower68: Lower68,
                iddUpper68: Upper68,
                iddUpper95: Upper95,
                iddShape: BoxShape,                
                iddSize: BoxSize

Source code:View Model

        X: ko.observable([1,2,3]),
        Lower95: ko.observable([0,3,1]),
        Lower68: ko.observable([1,4,2]),
        Median: ko.observable([2,5,3]),
        Upper68: ko.observable([3,6,4]),
        Upper95: ko.observable([4,7,5]),
        BoxShape: "boxwhisker",
        BoxSize: 15

Interactive sample

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