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Ruby on Rails 5 engine that stores SVG and generate your web font icons.


Iconly uses Fontcustom, so you need to have that and FontForge installed as per their instructions.

Once Fontcustom is installed, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'iconly', github: 'lugolabs/iconly'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Iconly needs a few options setup to get working. Add these to a config/initializers/iconly.rb file:

  • login_path - Iconly does not provide user authentication, allowing you to include the authentication method of your choice. The login_path should point at your Login page
  • logout_path - your logout page, should respond to DELETE HTTP method
  • svg_folder - the public folder where the SVG files will be stored.
  • downloads_folder - the folder that will store the generated fonts


Iconly.logout_path      = '/logout'
Iconly.login_path       = '/login'
Iconly.svg_folder       = 'test/dummy/public'
Iconly.downloads_folder = Rails.root.join('tmp/downloads').to_s


Iconly uses PostgreSQL as its backend database, and installs pg gem. It creates a few tables to store SVG metadata, and a users table for ownerships.

To start, copy the Iconly migrations to your database:

bin/rails iconly:install:migrations

and run them:

bin/rails db:migrate SCOPE=iconly

Front end

Iconly app uses Turbolinks, and Bootstrap 4 for its interface.


Check the Dummy application for a working example.

Create, migrate, and seed the database:

bin/rails db:create
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rails db:seed

This will create a sample user to get you started.

Start the Rails app in test/dummy folder.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.