This project is an API to the Get4me solution generated at the event Intelbras LAB.
This project can be executed in several operation system (SO), but has the following dependencies:
- Django == 1.11.11
- Djangorestframework == 3.8.2
- django-rest-auth == 0.9.3
- psycopg2 == 2.7.5
- googlemaps == 3.0.2
- pycep-correios ==2.3.1
- Python >= 3
- Pip
To set up the containers, you need to execute
docker-compose build
This command will build two containers: one container for api and the another container for database
To run the containers, you need to execute
docker-compose up
This command will run the database and the API.
To run with shell, you need to execute
docker-compose run --service-ports api sh
After that, you need to execute the follow command to start the API
make run
You can access the API using the follow step:
curl -X GET
Or, you can access using your browser with the address