Exercises for the "Advanced Interactive Media Design Ⅱ" lecture at NAIST (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
This is one of my first applications using OpenCV and C++, so it probably looks very messy and far from any approach that focus on performance. But if you are a beginner like me, maybe you can find something useful.
These exercises cover:
- Algorithm for camera calibration
- Algorithm to stitching 3 pictures (panorama), using homography
- "ImageFilter" just an exercise that use some OpenCV functions to create some fancy effects on images
- Algorithm to paint missing areas in pictures (inpanting), using succesive texture copy
- Algorithm to achieve better results in inpanting, using image transformations.
- Simple example how make animations using sequential POV-Ray files
- Homework for the POV-Ray assigment, inspirated by the movie TRON (1981)