Lets you define your config as ordinary code files The name of the file, maps to the name of the APP_ENV
The philosophy (summarised in confluence) is that ENV vars should be used only for secret config.
For other non-secret settings that vary between environments (eg. the API url, which might be test-api.com
or api.com
), it's easier to manage them in hard-coded config files. A single environment variable called APP_ENV
determines what environment we're running in (development, test, production, etc) and the relevant config file is loaded based on that.
can be whatever you want. At Luxury Escapes, we typically use:
spec (for running automated tests - both in CI and locally
test (aka staging - but we've called it test in enough places that changing now is hard)
// config/production.js (e.g. APP_ENV=production)
module.exports = {
port: parseInt(process.env.PORT || ''),
apiEndpoint: 'https://myprodapi.com'
// config/production.ts (e.g. APP_ENV=production)
export const config = {
port: parseInt(process.env.PORT || ''),
apiEndpoint: 'https://myprodapi.com'
in your start up file you would have something like this
const config = require('@luxuryescapes/lib-config')
env: 'local', // optional, defaults to process.env.APP_ENV,
schema: {
// json schema of the config schema
type: 'object',
properties: {
port: { type: 'integer' },
apiEndpoint: { type: 'string' }
required: ['port', 'apiEndpoint'],
additionalProperties: false
configDir: 'myconfig' // optional, default to `config`
then in other files you can do the following
const config = require('@luxuryescapes/lib-config')
get your test runner to load config as the first step
process.env.APP_ENV = 'spec'
const config = require('@luxuryescapes/lib-config')
const config = require('@luxuryescapes/lib-config')
config.load({ env: 'spec' })
if you want to mock config for unit testing you can do something like this
const sinon = require('sinon')
const config = require('@luxuryescapes/lib-config')
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.sandbox(config, 'get').returns({
myFeatureEnabled: false
afterEach(() => {