Kubernetes Authentication with LDAP - Soup to Nuts
create namespace: kube-authentication
Edit host section of the script 1 with environment ip addresses. ( currently you need to start the dex service to get the cluster ip)
"hosts": [ "dex.kube-authentication.svc.cluster.local", "", <-- clusterIP of Dex service "" <-- External IP of worker node that the dex pod is running ],
run cert process scripts 1-3
run all ldap yaml
run all phpldapadmin yaml
run all gangway yaml
modify gangway configmap
clusterName: "GANGWAY" <-- any name you want? apiServerURL: "" <-- K8s api endpoint authorizeURL: "" <-- Dex external endpoint (nodeport) tokenURL: "" <-- Dex external endpoint clientID: "dex" clientSecret: "ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0" <-- anything you want just need to be same string as the one you put in dex configmap redirectURL: "" <-- Gangway external endpoint
Reapply gangway-configmap
run all dex yaml
modify dex configmap
issuer: <-- Dex endpoint storage: type: kubernetes config: inCluster: true web: https: tlsCert: /etc/dex/tls/tls.crt tlsKey: /etc/dex/tls/tls.key staticClients: - id: dex redirectURIs: - '' <-- gangway endpoint name: 'gangway' secret: ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0 <-- same string from gangway configmap connectors: - type: ldap name: OpenLDAP id: ldap config: host: <-- ldap service clusterip
Reapply dex configmap
Apply the API flags and load the cert see api-server-setup.txt
Create user using phpadmin http://:31000
- login:cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org / pass:admin
Login to gangway http://:32000