A robust TCP-based chat application implemented in OCaml that enables real-time communication between a server and client with message acknowledgment functionality.
Dual-Mode Operation
- Server mode: Accepts incoming client connections
- Client mode: Connects to a specified server via IP/hostname
Real-Time Communication
- Bidirectional messaging between server and client
- Automatic message acknowledgment system
- Round-trip time (RTT) measurement for each message
Robust Architecture
- Asynchronous I/O using Lwt
- Clean shutdown handling
- Protocol-agnostic message handling (supports any byte values/encodings)
- Single client per server design
- Linux operating system
- OCaml compiler
- OPAM (OCaml package manager)
# Install dependencies
make setup
# Build the application
make build
For simplicity the server host is always localhost. And client will connect to it.
# Default port (8080)
make server
# Custom port
make server port=3000
# Connect to server host=localhost and port=8080
make client
# Custom port
make client port=3000
make test