Experiments with operator-sdk. You'll need to install the 'operator-sdk' command line tool to use this repo.
Unlike most Lyra repos, this project doesn't (and won't) support Go modules so you will need to disable support:
export GO111MODULE=off
Before first time use, you need to install the Workflow CRD:
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/lyra_v1alpha1_workflow_crd.yaml
Create a Workflow resource like this:
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/lyra_v1alpha1_workflow_sample.yaml
You can run the operator directly from this repo like this:
operator-sdk up local --namespace=default
If you make changes you might need to regenerate the controller code:
operator-sdk generate k8s
To run the lyra controller in cluster using the Dockerfile in the lyraproj/lyra
(adapted from the operator-sdk quick start)
# minikube example, reuse the docker daemon on your machine
# https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/blob/0c616a6b42b28a1aab8397f5a9061f8ebbd9f3d9/README.md#reusing-the-docker-daemon
eval $(minikube docker-env)
# build the image in the lyraproj/lyra repo using e.g. docker build -t lyraproj/lyra-operator . (in that folder)
# verify an image has been produced (note CREATED time)
docker images lyraproj/lyra-operator
# if applicable push this to image to a public image
# NOTE: imagePullPolicy is set to Never (instead of Always) in operator.yaml for minikube to use the local docker daemon
# create the various k8s resources, including the lyra-operator container
kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/lyra_v1alpha1_workflow_crd.yaml
# create the operator deployment
kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml
# create an instance of the CRD workflow
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/lyra_v1alpha1_workflow_sample.yaml
# check the logs on the lyra-operator pod
kubectl get pods | grep "lyra-operator.*1\/1" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl logs