- The targeted hard hardware are medium range SBC or old computer withing with starting at 1G of RAM.
- The approach regarding software integration is done at the OS level following Debian guidelines and best practices.
- The software collection is curated to provide strait workflow. The idea is to place simplicity and lightweight before features and eyes candies.
- The window manager is AwesomeWM this give the flexibility to create the look and feel of a dedicated OS.
- The Signalk protocol and it's nodejs server are at the heart fo Lysmarine, any data flow pass thou it.
- Lysmarine contribute back, everything that can be fixed/added upstream should be done upstream.
- Lysmarine is not a competitor to any high-end commercial product.
- Lysmarine is not an android based operating system.
- Lysmarine is not a desktop computer packed with navigational tools ( there is already other projects to fill this role and they do it quite well. )
- Lysmarine is not : A media centre, a home heather, A ham radio station, A BMS, a Facebook app or anything that is not related to navigation.
- wifi hotspot
- ssh
- gpsd
- kplex
- pypilot_web
- rtlais
- signal_k
- mopidy
- avnav
- onboard
- opencpn
- freeboard-sk
- xygrib
- evdev-rce-bbn
- gpsbabel
- nautic
- chromium