In order to make lysmarine updatable as possible. This repo contain procedures and assets required to build and add to the lysmarine's PPA software that don't have any repository yet.
First, make sure you have the required dependencies :
sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts lintian
7z x ./lxpanel_0.10.0-2+ppa2.debian.tar.xz
tar -xf ./lxpanel_0.10.0-2+ppa2.debian.tar
sudo apt install gtk-doc-tools intltool libasound2-dev libiw-dev libmenu-cache-dev libwnck-dev libfm-gtk-dev libxml2-dev libkeybinder-dev libindicator-dev
sudo apt install libgtkd-3-dev libwnck-3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libkeybinder-3.0-dev
cd ./lxpanel-gtk3/lxpanel-gtk3
Replace this line: in /debian/rules
dh_auto_configure -- --enable-man --with-plugins=all,-netstat,-pager,-weather --disable-silent-rules --enable-indicator-support --enable-gtk3
debuild -S
#dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us # ** Optionally build locale package **
dput ppa:lysmarine/upstream-projects ../kplex_1.4.1_source.changes
git clone ./kplex/kplex
pushd ./kplex/kplex ; git checkout Feature/debianPackage ; popd
cd ./kplex/kplex
debuild -S
#dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us # ** Optionally build locale package **
dput ppa:lysmarine/upstream-projects ../kplex_1.4.1_source.changes
The rtl-ais project is maintained in fork of its original repository. So far, @dgiardini have kindly accepted all PR concerning debian packaging but have no repository, so we only need to clone, build and upload to launchpad
git clone --depth 1 ./rtl-ais/rtl-ais
cd ./rtl-ais/rtl-ais
debuild -S
#dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us # ** Optionally build locale package **
dput ppa:lysmarine/upstream-projects ../rtl-ais*_source.changes
dput ppa:lysmarine/rtl-ais <source.changes>
create_ap is a dead project and have no debian package available.
git clone --depth 1 ./createap/createap/
cp -r ./createap/debian ./createap/createap/
cd ./createap/createap/
debuild -S
#dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us # ** Optionally build locale package **
dput ppa:lysmarine/upstream-projects ../createap_*-ppa2_source.changes
fbpanel is not maintained by it's owner anymore but there is a community around it that keep it up to date. Sadly no one have take the lead to become the next maintainer.
The lysmarine's fork of it apply the minimal amount of patches to make it still running.
meanwhile the packaging files are maintained in this repository.
git clone --depth 1 ./fbpanel/fbpanel
cp -r ./fbpanel/debian ./fbpanel/fbpanel/
cd ./fbpanel/fbpanel/
debuild -S
#dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us # ** Optionally build locale package **
dput ppa:lysmarine/upstream-projects ../fbpanel_7.0.12_source.changes
How to manually sign your changes with your GPG key ID :
debsign -k [YOUR PGP FINGERPRINT] <filename>.changes
If something fail on launchpad, you should receive an email with the logs of the build process. From what I found the build process on launchpad looks like this
dpkg-source -x *.dsc
tar -xf gcc-4.9.2.tar.xz
tar -xf gdc-20141020.tar.xz