BingeIt is a movie and video streaming app to entertain users. It will provide access to various categories of movies to users to make the user's experience better. Users will have control over the app in terms of what they want to watch. The app works on the basis of subscription to ensure that the subscribers get a seamless streaming experience without any interruptions and advertisements.
Cancel changes
- java -version -> openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19
- npm --version -> 8.3.1
- node --version -> v16.14.0
- react-native -v -> react-native-cli: 2.0.1 and react-native: 0.64.3
- expo-cli --version -> 5.2.0
- run "expo start" to start the app
- install npm module by run "npm install
- Flask api/ flask app for integrating ML models
- Will deploy flask app on Heroku to generate flask api
- Will use react native to handle all flask api requests
- Will store user's data into Firebase
- Firebase for backend