Welcome to TumorGrowthToolkit, a Python package dedicated to the simulation and analysis of tumor growth using numerical solvers for Partial Differential Equations.
- Reaction-diffusion multi-cell with a nutrient field (1: proliferative/diffusive, 2: necrotic) (FK_2c)
- Reaction-diffusion single cell (FK)
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) based Fisher-Kolmogorov model (FK_DTI)
To use the solver, first install the package by cloning this repository and using:
pip install -e .
(in example brain tissue)
Reaction-diffusion multi-cell with a nutrient field (1: proliferative/diffusive, 2: necrotic) (FK_2c)
Here, the tumor diffusion is based on measured diffusion data (DTI) instead of the white and gray matter tissue segmentation.
Example usage:
cd synthetic_gens
python run_gen_FK_2c.py
Creates synthetic patients with PET images and tumor segmentations (enhancing core, necrotic core, edema).
- inherit more from the base FK class. Especially the time evolution and stopping parameters.
In publications using TumorGrowthToolkit pleace cite:
- Balcerak, M., Ezhov, I., Karnakov, P., Litvinov, S., Koumoutsakos, P., Weidner, J., Zhang, R. Z., Lowengrub, J. S., Wiestler, B., & Menze, B. (2023). Individualizing Glioma Radiotherapy Planning by Optimization of a Data and Physics Informed Discrete Loss. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05063.