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Correct units for pressures to reflect normalisation used in the code. #3180

Correct units for pressures to reflect normalisation used in the code.

Correct units for pressures to reflect normalisation used in the code. #3180

Workflow file for this run

# Based on example from
name: Check examples
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macOS-latest]
fail-fast: false
timeout-minutes: 35
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@latest
version: '1.10'
- uses: julia-actions/cache@v2
- name: Test examples
run: |
touch Project.toml
julia -O3 --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.develop(path="moment_kinetics/"); Pkg.add("NCDatasets"); Pkg.precompile()'
# Reduce nstep for each example to 10 to avoid the CI job taking too long
# Note we skip the example `if (occursin("ARK", get(t_input, "type", "") && Sys.isapple())`
# because the way we use MINPACK.jl (needed for nonlinear solvers
# used for implicit parts of timestep) doesn't currently work on
# macOS.
julia -O3 --project -e 'using moment_kinetics; for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir("examples") for file in files if endswith(file, ".toml") filename = joinpath(root, file); println(filename); input = moment_kinetics.moment_kinetics_input.read_input_file(filename); t_input = get(input, "timestepping", Dict{String,Any}()); if (occursin("ARK", get(t_input, "type", "")) && Sys.isapple()) continue end; t_input["nstep"] = 10; t_input["dt"] = 1.0e-12; input["timestepping"] = t_input; pop!(input, "z_nelement_local", ""); pop!(input, "r_nelement_local", ""); electron_t_input = get(input, "electron_timestepping", Dict{String,Any}()); electron_t_input["initialization_residual_value"] = 1.0e8; electron_t_input["converged_residual_value"] = 1.0e8; input["electron_timestepping"] = electron_t_input; nl_solver_input = get(input, "nonlinear_solver", Dict{String,Any}()); nl_solver_input["rtol"] = 1.0e6; nl_solver_input["atol"] = 1.0e6; input["nonlinear_solver"] = nl_solver_input; run_moment_kinetics(input) end end end'