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Script to compare collision frequencies to numerical dissipation
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johnomotani committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent df1bd5b commit 33584ea
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 0 deletions.
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions util/compare_collision_frequencies.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
using moment_kinetics
using Plots
using Unitful

function compare_collision_frequencies(input_file::String,

input = moment_kinetics.moment_kinetics_input.read_input_file(input_file)

io_input, evolve_moments, t_input, z_input, r_input, vpa_input, vperp_input,
gyrophase_input, vz_input, vr_input, vzeta_input, composition, species, collisions,
geometry, drive_input, num_diss_params, manufactured_solns_input,
reference_parameters = moment_kinetics.moment_kinetics_input.mk_input(input)

dimensional_parameters = moment_kinetics.utils.get_unnormalized_parameters(
input_file; Bnorm=reference_parameters.Bref, Lnorm=reference_parameters.Lref,
Nnorm=reference_parameters.Nref, Tnorm=reference_parameters.Tref)

println("Omega_i0 ", dimensional_parameters["Omega_i0"])
println("rho_i0 ", dimensional_parameters["rho_i0"])
println("Omega_e0 ", dimensional_parameters["Omega_e0"])
println("rho_e0 ", dimensional_parameters["rho_e0"])

# Effective collision frequency for dissipation?
# v_∥ dissipation term is D d^2f/dv_∥^2. Inserting factors of c_ref, this is a bit like
# pitch angle scattering D cref^2 d^2f/dv_∥^2 ~ D d^2f/dξ^2, so D is similar to a
# (normalised) collision frequency.
if num_diss_params.vpa_dissipation_coefficient < 0.0
nu_vpa_diss = 0.0
nu_vpa_diss = num_diss_params.vpa_dissipation_coefficient /

println("ionization rate coefficient = ",
println("charge_exchange rate coefficient = ",

println("nu_ei0 ", dimensional_parameters["nu_ei0"])
println("nu_ii0 ", dimensional_parameters["nu_ii0"])
println("nu_ie0 ", dimensional_parameters["nu_ie0"])
println("nu_vpa_diss ", nu_vpa_diss)

# Neutral collison rates:
# The ionization term in the ion/neutral kinetic equations is ±R_ion*n_e*f_n.
# R_ion*n_e is an 'ionization rate' that just needs unnormalising - it gives the
# (inverse of the) characteristic time that it takes a neutral atom to be ionized.
nu_ionization0 = @. collisions.ionization * dimensional_parameters["Nnorm"] /
println("nu_ionization0 ", nu_ionization0)
# The charge-exchange term in the ion kinetic equation is -R_in*(n_n*f_i-n_i*f_n).
# So the rate at which ions experience CX reactions is R_in*n_n
nu_cx0 = @. collisions.charge_exchange * dimensional_parameters["Nnorm"] /
println("nu_cx0 ", nu_cx0)

# Estimate classical particle and ion heat diffusion coefficients, for comparison to
# numerical dissipation
# Classical particle diffusivity estimate from Helander, D_⟂ on p.7.
# D_⟂ ∼ nu_ei * rho_e^2 / 2
classical_particle_D0 = Unitful.upreferred(dimensional_parameters["nu_ei0"] *
dimensional_parameters["rho_e0"]^2 / 2.0)
println("classical_particle_D0 ", classical_particle_D0)

# Classical thermal diffusivity estimate from Helander, eq. (1.8)
# chi_i = rho_i^2 / tau_ii / 2 = nu_ii * rho_i^2 / 2
classical_heat_chi_i0 = Unitful.upreferred(dimensional_parameters["nu_ii0"] *
dimensional_parameters["rho_i0"]^2 / 2.0)
println("classical_heat_chi_i0 ", classical_heat_chi_i0)

# rhostar is set as an input parameter. For the purposes of cross field transport,
# effective rho_i is rhostar*R rather than rho_i0. Might as well take R∼Lnorm for now,
# as difference will be O(1), if any.
rho_i_effective = Unitful.upreferred(geometry.rhostar *
rho_e_effective =
* rho_i_effective)
effective_classical_particle_D0 =
Unitful.upreferred(dimensional_parameters["nu_ei0"] * rho_e_effective^2 / 2.0)
effective_classical_heat_chi_i0 =
Unitful.upreferred(dimensional_parameters["nu_ii0"] * rho_i_effective^2 / 2.0)
println("rho_i_effective ", rho_i_effective)
println("rho_e_effective ", rho_e_effective)
println("classical particle D0 with effective rho_e ", effective_classical_particle_D0)
println("classical heat chi_i0 with effective rho_i ", effective_classical_heat_chi_i0)

# Get numerical diffusion parameters
if num_diss_params.r_dissipation_coefficient < 0.0
D_r = 0.0
D_r = Unitful.upreferred(num_diss_params.r_dissipation_coefficient *
dimensional_parameters["Lnorm"]^2 /
if num_diss_params.z_dissipation_coefficient < 0.0
D_z = 0.0
D_z = Unitful.upreferred(num_diss_params.z_dissipation_coefficient *
dimensional_parameters["Lnorm"]^2 /
println("numerical D_r ", D_r)
println("numerical D_z ", D_z)

if output_file !== nothing

temp, file_ext = splitext(output_file)
temp, ext = splitext(temp)
basename, iblock = splitext(temp)
iblock = parse(moment_kinetics.type_definitions.mk_int, iblock[2:end])
fid = moment_kinetics.load_data.open_readonly_output_file(basename, ext[2:end];

z = moment_kinetics.load_data.load_coordinate_data(fid, "z")

density, parallel_flow, parallel_pressure, parallel_heat_flux, thermal_speed,
evolve_ppar = moment_kinetics.load_data.load_charged_particle_moments_data(fid)

neutral_density, neutral_uz, neutral_pz, neutral_qz, neutral_thermal_speed =

parallel_temperature = parallel_pressure ./ density

# Ignoring variations in logLambda...
nu_ii = @. dimensional_parameters["nu_ii0"] * density / parallel_temperature^1.5
println("nu_ii ", nu_ii[z.n_global÷2,1,1,end])

# Neutral collison rates:
# The ionization term in the ion/neutral kinetic equations is ±R_ion*n_e*f_n.
# R_ion*n_e is an 'ionization rate' that just needs unnormalising - it gives the
# (inverse of the) characteristic time that it takes a neutral atom to be ionized.
nu_ionization = @. collisions.ionization * density[:,:,1,:] /
println("nu_ionization ", nu_ionization[z.n_global÷2,1,end])
# The charge-exchange term in the ion kinetic equation is -R_in*(n_n*f_i-n_i*f_n).
# So the rate at which ions experience CX reactions is R_in*n_n
nu_cx = @. collisions.charge_exchange * neutral_density[:,:,1,:] /
println("nu_cx ", nu_cx[z.n_global÷2,1,end])

# Make plot (using values from the final time point)
plot(legend=:outerright, xlabel="z", ylabel="frequency", ylims=(0.0, :auto))
@views plot!(z.grid, nu_ii[:,1,1,end], label="nu_ii")
@views plot!(z.grid, nu_ionization[:,1,end], label="nu_ionization")
@views plot!(z.grid, nu_cx[:,1,end], label="nu_cx")
hline!([nu_vpa_diss], label="nu_vpa_diss")
ylabel!("frequency (s^-1)")

savefig(joinpath("runs", io_input.run_name,
io_input.run_name * "_collision_frequencies.pdf"))

return nothing

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