Notes before running:
- It is recommended to have at least Python 3.5 installed when compiling and running this program, as it was originally written and complied using Python 3.5 & Python 3.7.1.
- Matplotlib must be installed in order to view the graphs after the program is run, see for instructions to install it.
- Ensure all the files are in the same folder
- Run the program: (Three ways that have been tested to work successfully) a. Using terminal on an Unix based system (ex. Mac OS, Ubuntu, etc.), the program can be started by navigating to the folder that the '.py' files are in using 'cd' followed by the path to the folder and then entering 'python3', this will compile and run the program b. Using command-line on windows(cmd), the program can be started by navigating to the folder that the '.py' files are in using 'cd' followed by the path to the folder and then entering 'python' this will compile and run the program c. Python's IDLE ( can be using to run this program. When IDLE is open click File-->Open then select '' from the folder where it was downloaded. Next click Run-->Run Module to start the program.
- Additional cities text files can be added by putting them into the main folder with the title format of TSP_[country]_[#cities]
- The EA can be changed by modifying the following variables at the top of the file:
- populationSize - Set the size of the population
- mutRate - Set the mutation rate for the offspring
- xOverRate - Set the CrossOver rate for offspring recombination
- genLimit - Set the maximum number of generations
- fileName - Manually select the file name