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Releases: macxq/foxess-ha

Adds PV strings 7 through 18 for Fox R series inverters

30 Sep 11:01
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Foss ESS R Series Inverters - 18 PV strings

As the R series inverters support up to 18 PV strings, this release extends the PV string entities from 6 and adds PV7-18 (each PV string has volt, power and current entities)

As most people do not have more than 6 PV strings, to minimise 'unknown' sensors this option has to be enabled in the config. This is done by adding the extra switch to the Platform statement in configuration.yaml with extendPV: true as follows -

  - platform: foxess
    deviceID: enter_your_inverter_id
    deviceSN: enter_your_inverter_serial_number
    apiKey: enter_your_personal_api_key
    extendPV: true

Speeded up API performance

Now the OpenAPI is performing well, the enforced 5 second delay between API calls has been reduced to 2 seconds making startup much faster.

Fixed a bug with Error 41200 burning through personal API calls

In some rare cases users have reported that the device variables call fails with a Fox api error 41200 - this appears to be an internal error generated by the API where some of the returned data is invalid (most often the 'currentFault' variable). See #268

Fix for Fox error 41200 on some systems

22 Sep 16:29
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A very small amount of systems have experienced a Fox ESS error 41200 query data failed since the OpenAPI was updated in September 2024.

This adds a restrict switch that limits the data fetch on these systems and allows the data query to work.

Note: If your system is working normally, you don't need to worry about this.

To enable these strings, add the extra config to the Platform statement in your configuration.yaml with Restrict: true

  - platform: foxess
    deviceID: enter_your_inverter_id
    deviceSN: enter_your_inverter_serial_number
    apiKey: enter_your_personal_api_key
    Restrict: true

See #268

Fix for possible api limit issue when inverter in alarm

20 Sep 14:49
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If an inverter is in alarm, and the api call to read the real time variables fails as a result, retrying every 1 minute would cause the integration to burn through api calls every minute.

This state has been corrected to retry no more than every 5 minutes.

Added Energy Generated Cumulative sensor

17 Sep 08:58
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Added the Energy Generated Cumulative sensor - this provides all energy generated (total yield) since the inverter was installed.

Re-factored existing Energy Generated classes to simplify structure


14 Sep 16:44
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V0.42-beta-1 Pre-release

Testing for additional PV strings for Fox ESS R Series - don’t use this if not involved please.

This extends the PV string entities current PV1-6 and adds PV7-18 (each PV string has Volts, Power, Current)

To enable these strings, add the extra config to the Platform statement in your configuration.yaml with extendPV: true

  - platform: foxess
    deviceID: enter_your_inverter_id
    deviceSN: enter_your_inverter_serial_number
    apiKey: enter_your_personal_api_key
    extendPV: true

Update Volt Ampere Reactive to UnitOfReactivePower for future compatibility.

See #265

Performance improvements for OpenAPI

03 Jul 08:08
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This release introduces a number of performance modifications to work round the OpenAPI resource issues.

The release will reduce the number of API calls made after loss of connection and also introduces a hold off delay (5 seconds) between API calls to improve access.

The number of API calls per hour has been reduced from 24 to 22 (battery minSoC settings and Daily/Monthly Yield report now fetched every 60 rather than 30 minutes) - all other sampling remains the same.


Additional sensors and minor fixes

18 Jun 13:27
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Additional Sensors:

Added Energy Generated Month sensor (the Total Yield for this month)

Added Energy Throughput sensor (the number of kWh's the battery has throughput, this is the principal metric for the FoxESS battery warranty)

Reduced API timeout to 65 seconds - if the API is very busy, it will not reply if a request is over 60 seconds.

On H3 Pro (dual battery systems) - fixes battery temperature sensor and adds sensor for second battery.

Adds inverter bat power sensor which will show battery power as measured by the inverter - this is negative kW for charge and positive kW for discharge ( 2 sensors on dual battery systems)

New Inverter Running State sensor which shows current inverter status, the states are:

160: self-test
161: waiting
162: checking
163: on-grid
164: off-grid
165: fault
166: permanent-fault
167: standby
168: upgrading
169: fct
170: illegal


  • Correct date response for platforms that do not support extended formats

  • For solar only inverters that go into standby at dusk, the daily totals (feedin, gridconsumption, chargetotal, dischargetotal, loads) will stay available and not go 'unknown' if they have received valid data during that day.

  • It was possible at startup before any report data had been received for the feedin calculation to fail because of a typo - this corrects that.

minor fix for startup variables

08 Jun 12:16
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It was possible at startup before any report data had been received for the feedin calculation to fail because of a typo - this corrects that.

Modified to be agnostic to platforms that do not support extended python date formats

08 Jun 08:17
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Correct date response for platforms that do not support extended formats

For solar only inverters that go into standby at dusk, the daily totals (feedin, gridconsumption, chargetotal, dischargetotal, loads) will stay available and not go 'unknown' if they have received valid data during that day.

Adds Inverter RunningState sensor and extends support for H3 Pro

27 Apr 10:43
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Adds inverter battery power sensor which will show battery power as measured by the inverter - this is negative kW for charge and positive kW for discharge ( 2 sensors on dual battery systems)

On H3 Pro (dual battery systems) - fixes battery temperature sensor and adds sensor for second battery.

New Inverter Running State sensor, the states displayed are:

  • 160: self-test
  • 161: waiting
  • 162: checking
  • 163: on-grid
  • 164: off-grid
  • 165: fault
  • 166: permanent-fault
  • 167: standby
  • 168: upgrading
  • 169: fct
  • 170: illegal