This project is a Python application that allows users to manage a books database through a graphical user interface (GUI) built with Tkinter. Users can add, update, delete, and view books stored in a MySQL database. The project uses MySQL Workbench for database management, and database credentials are stored in a separate configuration file. # Contains database credentials # Main GUI application sql.txt # SQL query to create the database and table # Project documentation Contains the database credentials needed to connect to the MySQL database. Ensure this file is updated with your specific database details. sql.txt: SQL script to create the database and table required for the application. Run this script in MySQL Workbench. The main Python script that creates the GUI using Tkinter. It includes functionality to add, update, delete, and view books in the database.
Add Book: Enter the book details in the text fields and click the "Add" button. Update Book: Select a book from the list, edit the details, and click the "Update" button. Delete Book: Select a book from the list and click the "Delete" button. View Books: All books are displayed in the listbox on the GUI.