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MAgPIE 4.7.3

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@pascal-sauer pascal-sauer released this 12 Apr 13:43
· 733 commits to master since this release


  • 21_trade Revision of trade module. Replaced cfg$gms$s21_trade_bal_damper in favour of cfg$gms$k_import21, which allows for additional imports to maintain feasibility
  • 21_trade v21_import_for_feasibility now available for all countries, not just for importers
  • 70_livestock if c70_fac_req_regr is set to reg: use of USDA/FAO values for historic factor requirements for livestock instead of using regression values and change of calibration year from 2005 to 2010 for regional factor requirements regression
  • config updated FSEC scenario config for revision and included new calibration file (after cost fix in preprocessing)
  • default.cfg updated inputdata revision to 4.104 to have NDC scenarios included
  • scripts cfg$gms$s35_secdf_distribution <- 2 for FSEC
  • scripts modified output reporting for SEALS to account for forestry plantations
  • scripts/calibration/landconversion_cost.R Revised calibration approach for conversion costs for cropland. Information from all calibration time steps in combination with a lowpass filter is now used for deriving the calibration factors, which avoids the previous zickzack pattern. The previous option cfg$damping_factor_landconversion_cost has been removed in favor of cfg$lowpass_filter_landconversion_cost.


  • 14_yields added minimum threshold for wood yields. Below this threshold, wood yields are set to zero.
  • config added switch for minimum timber yields
  • 56_ghg_policy added NDC scenarios
  • 60_bioenergy added NDC scenarios
  • scripts start script for EAT2p0 Deep Dive project


  • 15_food Small number rather 0 in condition checking calorie balancing
  • 34_urban static realization was not working because vm_carbon_stock was referenced without the set stockType
  • 52_carbon removing jump of carbon content into fully grown forest when a forest changes from second-last age class to last age-class.
  • 58_peatland Equation q58_scalingFactorExp revised to avoid division by zero.
  • 80_optimization duplicated solve statement in all instances to avoid non-matchting left- and right-hand sides of equations