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Guided Example ‐ General pipeline
This form is a little more complex. See the nf-core example first.
Start out by creating a module file with the contents of the NEXTFLOW_RUN
The input channels are different from the nf-core example.
process NEXTFLOW_RUN {
tag "$pipeline_name"
val pipeline_name // String
val nextflow_opts // String
val nextflow_files // Map [ params-file: params.yml , c: configs/multiqc.config ]
val pipeline_files // Map [ input: samplesheet.csv ]
task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when
def cache_dir = java.nio.file.Paths.get(workflow.workDir.resolve(pipeline_name).toUri())
def nxf_cmd = [
'nextflow run',
nextflow_files ? nextflow_files.collect{ key, value -> "-$key $value" }.join(' ') : '',
pipeline_files ? pipeline_files.collect{ key, value -> "--$key $value" }.join(' ') : '',
"--outdir $task.workDir/results",
file("$task.workDir/nf-cmd.sh").text = nxf_cmd.join(" ")
def builder = new ProcessBuilder(nxf_cmd.join(" ").tokenize(" "))
process = builder.start()
assert process.waitFor() == 0: process.text
path "results" , emit: output
val process.text, emit: log
This module builds the command line instruction (for nf-core style workflows):
nextflow run $pipeline_name $nextflow_opts [-key $nextflow_file] [--key $pipeline_file] --outdir $task.workDir/results
and then runs it. All the workflow outputs are put in the folder results
in the Nextflow working directory.
include { NEXTFLOW_RUN as NFCORE_DEMO } from "./modules/local/nextflow/run/main"
workflow {
'nf-core/demo', // Select nf-core pipeline
params.nfcore_demo_opts, // workflow opts supplied as params for flexibility
Channel.value([ // Nextflow files
'params-file': params.nfcore_demo_params_file,
'c': params.nfcore_demo_add_config,
]).map { nxf_files -> nxf_files.collectEntries { key, path -> [ (key): file( path , checkIfExists: true ) ] } },
Channel.value([ // Pipeline files
'input' : params.nfcore_demo_samplesheet,
]).map { pln_files -> pln_files.collectEntries { key, path -> [ (key): file( path , checkIfExists: true ) ] } }
Here we've selected the nf-core workflow nf-core/demo to include.
- Include the
module using theinclude
keyword, and say where it's located usingfrom
. - The module is aliased ( given another name ) using
to allow for readability, and extensibility ( inclusion of other workflows later on). - The module is then added to the
, using the nameNFCORE_DEMO
. - The first channel input is
, the name of the pipeline we would like to run. This is implicitly converted toChannel.value('nf-core/demo')
. - The second channel input is a string supplied by
which supplies extra workflow options such as-resume
,-ansi-log false
,-profile docker,test
, etc. You can include multiple nextflow options here, e.g."-resume -profile docker,test"
. - The third channel input is a map of files that Nextflow should use. The file paths are initially
Objects which need to be converted toPath
Objects. The module then converts these key value pairs to-key value
in the command, i.e. file args fornextflow run
. So, for example, the map[ 'params-file' : 'inputs/params.yml' ]
gets converted to-params-file inputs/params.yml
. - The fourth channel input is also a map of files that the pipeline should use (i.e., are supplied using
). So, for example,[ input: 'samplesheet.csv' ]
becomes--input samplesheet.csv
in the module.
Lastly, create a nextflow.config
and add process.errorStrategy = 'finish'
. Without this, if a pipeline errors, any concurrently running workflows will be killed immediately leaving a nextflow lock file in place preventing the workflow from resuming.
You can test the first module by doing:
nextflow run main.nf -params-file params.yml
where params.yml
looks like:
nfcore_demo_opts: '-resume -profile docker'
nfcore_demo_params_file: '/path/to/nfcore/demo/params.yml' # Generate with `nf-core launch`
nfcore_demo_samplesheet: '/path/to/samplesheet/input.csv' # The samplesheet
nfcore_demo_add_config: '/path/to/nf-core/demo/custom.config' # Set configuration, e.g. resources, for nf-core/demo
To connect another module you need to create a Channel
with the map of appropriate entries.
Then merge that map with any overriding inputs.
.map { dir -> [ 'input' : file(dir.resolve('/path/to/samplesheet'), checkIfExists: true) ] } // Construct a Map of pipeline files
.map { pipeline_file_map ->
pipeline_file_map + [ // Add in any overrides
input: params.nfnext_samplesheet,
].findAll { kvpair -> kvpair.value } // Use groovy truth to find entries with a overriding setting
.collectEntries { key, path -> [ (key): file( path , checkIfExists: true ) ] } // Convert those `String`s to `Path`s
// The + operator on maps merges two maps. If the same key exists in both maps, the right hand side will be the result.
.set { nfnext_pipeline_files }