Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
should be relatively easy to fix
The issue is fixed in new release
This is a bug in flutter and we will need to wait for flutter team to fix it.
This issue is eligible for hacktoberfest entry
This PR is accepted as a valid hacktoberfest entry
I am unsure of what could potentially be wrong looking for help
Issue is currently being triaged
This issue isn't related to this package
Issues related to key intents and focus navigation
High Priority: This is a show stopper and must be addressed immediately
Medium Priority: Something is broken and should be fixed as soon as possible
Low Priority: A bug or a feature request we plan to work on in near future (default)
A detailed proposal for change to Searchfield.
A truly polished experience
Question on using a certain api of the package
The new release broke a feature or introduced a new bug
the issue needs to be reviewed again
Request for a new capability or a feature
A solution has been proposed
Issues regarding refactor and code quality
issues related to writing tests
Issues related to the text input
waiting for author to respond back with more info
The fix is in flight and PR is ready to merge
This will not be worked on