# It is a practice project test automation with Cucumber, Gherkin, Selenium, Java, TestNG, Maven
# Scenario Outline: Sign in with valid credentials
# Given Go to sign in page
# When valid <email> and <password> entered
# Then Welcome to your profile
# Examples:
# | email | password |
# | [email protected] | expamle@0000 |
# Scenario: First User Registration
# Given Go to sign up page
# When "1st" user filled every inputs
# Then Registration is successful
# Scenario: Second User Registration
# Given Go to sign up page
# When "2nd" user filled every inputs
# Then Registration is successful
# Scenario: Third User Registration
# Given Go to sign up page
# When "3rd" user filled every inputs
# Then Registration is successful
# Scenario: Fourth User Registration
# Given Go to sign up page
# When "4th" user filled every inputs
# Then Registration is successful
# Scenario: Enter existing email or phone no for the verification code
# Given Go to reset feature
# When Inputs in the field is given
# Then Successful
It provides a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning to executable specifications.The primary keywords are:
# Feature
# Rule (as of Gherkin 6)
# Example (or Scenario)
# Given, When, Then, And, But for steps (or *)
# Background
# Scenario Outline (or Scenario Template)
# Examples (or Scenarios)