This is a code for a command-line application that dynamically generates a professional file from a user's input using the Inquirer package. It prompts user to input details about their project, and then dynamically generates a professional README file that features:
- Project title
- Project description
- License badge and link
- A hyperlinked table of contents
- Usage and installation instructions
- Testing and contributing instructions
- Information and contact details of the developer
It can be run on any machine that has git/bash installed and requires minimal coding skills to operate.
To access the application, clone this code to your local repository. In your local repository, open the index.js file in your terminal.
Once you have accessed the index.js file of this code in your terminal, the application can be invoked by using the following command:
node index.js
Answer the prompts in the terminal, inputting your project title, description and details as prompted. At the end of the questions, the '' file will be dynamically created in the same local repository. The generated file and be renamed and moved as appropriate.
The source code and the original asset files were provided by Trilogy Education as part of the Front End Web Development bootcamp sponsored by the Skills For Life program.
This code uses the MIT license.