The listed samples will display how to run or execute web/frontend methods from javascript applications. Each sample can be downloaded, modified and improved
- wsAjaxXmlSubscribeNet : Visual Studio 2010 or later, .NET framework 3.x/4.x, your console URL
- wsAjaxXmlSubscribePhp : Apache web server, your console URL
- wsAjaxXmlSubscribeJsonp : Your console URL
notes : in order to run the below samples you'll need to enable frontend methods on your console configuration; for more info, please visit [Connecting to MailUp] 2
- wsAjaxXmlSubscribeNet : A mixed client and server approach, implementing a simple .NET proxy server.
- wsAjaxXmlSubscribePhp : Another mixed client/server scenario but implementing a PHP proxy server.
- wsAjaxXmlSubscribeJsonp : A full client approach making use of third party web proxies and plain javascript.
Mailup frontend methods documentation can be found at [HTTP API Specifications] 1