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Acceptance Tests for Course Management feature

Quang Anh edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 1 revision


  • User has valid login credentials.
  • User has access permissions to view courses.
  • At least one term and multiple departments with courses available in the system.
  • User has access permissions to add and drop courses functionality.

Test Scenarios:

1. Login to the System:

  • Open the application's login page.
  • Enter valid login credentials (username and password).
  • Click on the "Login" button.
  • Verify that the login is successful, and the user is redirected to the Main page.

2. Navigate to the "Look Up Courses" Section:

  • Locate and click on the "Courses Look Up” on the navigation bar.

Expected Result: User is redirected to the Course Look Up page. The page should contain 2 Menus of Term and Degree.

3. Select a Term and Degree:

  • Choose a specific term and degree from the available options in the List menus. (Degree Menu on the left and Term menu on the right)
  • The latest (current) term is the bottom most term displayed in the Menu.
  • On selected Term and Degree, the selected item will be colored in RED.
  • After selecting terms and degrees, press the “Apply” button below the Menus.

Expected Result: If not both Term and Degree have been selected, click “Apply” button will do nothing and stay at the current page. If both Term and Degree have been selected by user, click “Apply” button below the Menus, it will redirect users to a page containing a list of courses that match selected term and degree.

4. Course Display in List:

  • Courses display should contain Course ID, Name of the course, Course Number, Description of the course from left to right.
  • Can scroll up and down in the List to find the courses displayed.
  • Click on the specific course of user’s choice to navigate to the detail page of that course.

Expected result: User is redirected to the detail page of the clicked on Course, which contain more specific information about the course like Time, Sections.

5. See the Course Information/Detail:

  • When clicked on a specific course on the List, the detail page will appear, in which contains information about that course: Course Name, Department, Course Number, Description, Prerequisites (Courses need to be completed before registering the current course), and Sections – this contains Section ID, Professor who will teach the course, Location of the course, Time, and Term of that Section.

Expected Result: The Term displayed in the section should be the Term that was selected by user. The Department shown in the information of the course should match the degree that User selected.

6. Add Courses through Detail page:

  • If the selected term is the current term (Fall 2024)(in the Select Term and Display section above) , the courses in the display list should be able for user to register.
  • The detail page of these courses should contain Sections that have a “Add Section” Button right next to the right of each section display. If the term selected is not the current term, then the detail page is as described in the “See the Course Information/Detail” with no “Add Section” Button next to each sections.
  • Click on the “Add Section” button to add the selected section of the specific course chosen to the user calendar.

Expected Result:

  • Case 1: User is not currently registered in the selected Section or any other sections that are related to the Course selected and has done all prerequisites of the course

User will be redirected to the add/drop page, which will then display the section/course just registered by the User below the Registered Sections. It will display the Course ID, Section Name, Location , Time from left to right and a wastebasket icon right next to each registered section.

  • Case 2: Duplicate Section registration

There will be an error red notification appear on the left bottom side of the screen says that “You have already registered for this section”, and the user will not be redirected to the add/drop page, the add fails, user stays at the current page.

  • Case 3: Duplicate Course registration ( Registering 2 Sections of the same Course )

There will be an error red notification appear on the left bottom side of the screen says that “You have already registered for this course”, and the user will not be redirected to the add/drop page, the add fails, user stays at the current page.

  • Case 4: User has not finished all prerequisites required by the selected course

There will be an error red notification appear on the left bottom side of the screen says that “User has not completed all the prerequisites to register this course ”, and the user will not be redirected to the add/drop page, the add fails, user stays at the current page.

  • Case 5: Overlapped in time with registered course

There will be an error red notification appear on the left bottom side of the screen says that “Time overlapped with registered course ”, and the user will not be redirected to the add/drop page, the add fails, user stays at the current page.

7. Add/Drop Courses page:

  • From the Main page, or from any page, locate and click on the “ADD/DROP COURSES” Button on the Navigation Bar.

Expected Result: User should be redirected to an add/drop page which contains Add Section text box with the “ADD” button next to it, and right under it is the Registered Sections which contains all registration of the user in the current Term (Fall 2024).

8. Add Courses through Add/Drop Courses page:

  • Fill in the Text Box under the Add Section with a specific Section ID.
  • After filling the input box of specific section ID, press the “ADD” button next to the right of it. Specific section ID can be found via Detail Page of a specific course as described in the “See the Course Information/Detail” above.

Expected Result:

  • Case 1: User is not currently registered in the selected Section or any other sections that are related to the Course selected and has done all prerequisites of the course

The Section ID filled in the input box by the user will disappear. The section/course just registered by the User will immediately display below the Registered Sections (it means that user has successfully registered on that course/section). The registered section/course will display the Course ID, Section Name, Location , Time from left to right and a wastebasket icon right next to each registered section.

  • Case 2: Duplicate Section registration

There will be an error notification appear right under the input box saying that “You have already registered for this section”,the add fails, user stays at the current page and there will be no new courses appear under the registered sections.

  • Case 3: Duplicate Course registration ( Registering 2 Sections of the same Course )

There will be an error notification appear right under the input box saying that “You have already registered for this course”, the add fails, user stays at the current page and there will be no new courses appear under the registered sections.

  • Case 4: User has not finished all prerequisites required by the selected course

There will be an error notification appear right under the input box saying that “User has not completed all the prerequisites to register this course”, the add fails, user stays at the current page and there will be no new courses appear under the registered sections.

  • Case 5: Overlapped in time with registered course

There will be an error notification appear right under the input box saying that “Time overlapped with registered course”, the add fails, user stays at the current page and there will be no new courses appear under the registered sections.

  • Case 6: Invalid section ID

There will be an error notification appear right under the input box saying that “Section ID does not exist”, the add fails, user stays at the current page and there will be no new courses appear under the registered sections.

9. Drop Courses through Add/Drop Courses Page:

  • In the add/drop courses page, if the user has registered in some courses, the registered section will not be empty. . It will display each course registered with Course ID, Section Name, Location , Time from left to right and a wastebasket icon right next to each registered section. This wastebasket icon represents for the deletion of a course.
  • When click on the wastebasket icon of a chosen course that user wish to delete from their calendar (dropping the course in the system), the pop up text will appear, which ask for confirmation from user, displaying : “ Confirmation Deletion, Are you sure you want to drop this section” with 2 button “Cancel” and “Drop” respectively under the pop-up text.
  • Click on Cancel or outside the pop-up text to cancel the behavior of dropping, click on Drop if decide to drop the course.

Expected Result:

  • Click “Cancel” or outside the pop-up text:The Pop-up text disappear, user returns back to the Add/drop courses page with no changes to the Registered Sections.
  • Click “Drop”: The Pop-up text disappear, user return back to the Add/Drop Courses page with the selected course deleted in the Registered Sections (e.g. There are 2 courses before dropping, after click Drop on the “Course 1”, user return back the Add/Drop Course page with no “Course 1” under the registered Section since it had been deleted).

10.Error Handling:

  • Test for error scenarios such as selecting invalid section IDs.
  • Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed when invalid selections are made.
  • Ensure that the system gracefully handles errors without crashing or malfunctioning