An easy-use tool helps you create kvm virtual machines gracefully with simple configurations on Linux servers.
- python >= 3.4
- virsh (libvirt-client)
- qemu-img
- virt-resize (libguestfs-tools-c)
- guestmount (libguestfs-tools-c)
- guestunmount (libguestfs-tools-c)
From PyPi:
pip3 install virtparade
python3 install
Copy sample config directory to /etc
cp -a ./virtparade-config-sample /etc/virtparade
- Check
- Build your first instance(if it is not exist)
- Create disks: if the disk is based on image(have the
property), copy and resize the image, expand the filesystem, convert image format. If it is the first disk and is based on image, mount the disk to a temp directory and run init scripts. - Generate libvirt instance XML file from the Jinja2 template file:
- Define and start the instance
- Show instance VNC port
- Build your second instance
- ...
Init scripts:
- Run the main script:
/etc/virtparade/script.d/${your_image_name}/ ${mountdir}
- Run the network script multiple times(depend on how many addresses you have defined in
->${your_image_name}/ ${mountdir} ${index} ${ip} ${prefix} ${gateway}
- Run the dns script multiple times(depend on how many dns addresses you have defined in
->${your_image_name}/ ${mountdir} ${index} ${dns_address}
See config sample in virtparade-config-sample
debug: true
images: # required; image definitions
centos7: # required; image name
path: /opt/images/centos7.qcow2 # required; image path
format: qcow2 # required; image format, supported formats: raw, qcow, qcow2, vhdx, vmdk
root_dev: /dev/sda1 # required; image expand partition, you can use `virt-filesystems -a image_path --filesystems -l` to select a device
need_expand_filesystem: true # optional; default: false; whether to `virt-resize` a image or not, depending you image file
run_script: true # optional; default: true; whether to image profile scripts in ./script.d/${image_name} or not
path: /opt/images/coreos_production_qemu_image.img
format: qcow2
root_dev: /dev/sda9
mount: # optional; specify guestmount --mount argument
- /dev/sda9 # according to guestmount man page, format should be:
- /dev/sda3:/usr:ro # dev[:mnt[:opts[:fstype]] Mount dev on mnt (if omitted, /)
instances: # required; instance definitions
- name: mycentos7 # required; instance name
vcpu: 4 # required; vcpu number
memory: 4 # required; memory size(GiB)
disks: # required; disks definitions, at least on disk should be assigned
- path: /data/test1.vmdk # required; dest disk path
format: vmdk # required; disk format, supported formats are same to image format
image: centos7 # optional; the disk would be created based on image name defined earlier
size: 40 # required, except when image is specified; unit: GiB
- path: /data/test1-disk.qcow2 # optional; disk2
format: qcow2
size: 40
- type: block # optional; default: file; current support type: file, block
block: /dev/sda2 # required; block devide path
cdroms: # optional; insert cdroms to the virtual machine with iso file
- type: file # optional; default: file; file or block
path: /opt/images/centos7.iso # required; file or block path
network: # required; network definitions
addresses: # required; network address definitions
- ip: # optional; ip address
prefix: 24 # optional; cidr
gateway: # optional; network gateway, only on could be specified through all addresses
network_bridge: br-mgmt # required; network bridge on host
dns: # optional; network dns addresses
autostart: true # optional; default: false; auto start on host boot
Write your own image init script in /etc/virtparade/script.d
Show help
virtparade --help
Test configuration
virtparade test
Build instances
sudo virtparade run --all # build all instances
sudo virtparade run mycentos7 myubuntu1604 # build specfied instances
Immediately stop after guestmount
ing the system disk(the first disk), it's useful when you want to write/test your init script or debug the image.
sudo virtparade mount mycentos7
Just fork the repository and open a pull request with your changes.