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Capistrano tasks for easy deployment to a makandra opscomplete environment.


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This gem provides capistrano tasks for convenient deployment to a makandra OpsComplete for Ruby environment. If you find any bugs or run into a problem, please drop us a mail or open an issue.


Include the gem in your applications Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-opscomplete', require: false

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it manually with:

$ gem install capistrano-opscomplete

Now, include the DSL extensions and tasks by adding the following line to your Capfile after capistrano/deploy:

require 'capistrano/opscomplete'

Verify the gem was installed and tasks are available:

$ bundle exec cap -T opscomplete

Now, add some hooks in your capistrano configuration (e.g. deploy.rb). An example configuration could look like this:

# After unpacking your release, before bundling, compiling assets, ...
after 'deploy:updating', 'opscomplete:ruby:ensure'

If you want to handle the ruby version for rollbacks too, you should add:

after 'deploy:reverting', 'opscomplete:ruby:ensure'

And in case you enabled Procfile support you can use the following tasks:


e.g. like this:

# Update and Restart supervisor config
after 'deploy:updating', 'opscomplete:supervisor:gen_config'
after 'deploy:published', 'opscomplete:supervisor:restart_procs'

Using the default configuration, these tasks will run on all Servers where role is :app using the Procfile called Procfile. To change the role where these tasks will get executed, set :procfile_role in e.g. your config/deploy.rb like:

# Use supervisor tasks only for sidekiq role
set :procfile_role, :sidekiq

If you want to run different Procfiles on different servers, you can set the :procfile property in your config/deploy/${env}.rb:

# In this example, `Procfile` will get used for supervisor on and `Procfile.sidekiq` for supervisor on
server "", user: "deploy-example_s", roles: %w{app web}, procfile: "Procfile.sidekiq"
server "", user: "deploy-example_s", roles: %w{app web}


If you encounter any errors, please make sure you have the newest version of the capistrano-opscomplete gem installed. Don't hesitate to contact the OpsComplete for Ruby team for further support.

You might also want to configure some hooks to automatically update the ruby version, see using capistrano hooks.

List available tasks

To see available capistrano tasks, execute:

$ bundle exec cap -T


The opscomplete:ruby:check task checks for a properly configured ruby. It will not try to correct any misconfigurations, but just abort the capistrano run.

$ bundle exec cap <ENVIRONMENT> opscomplete:ruby:check

Where <ENVIRONMENT> could be production, staging, ...


The opscomplete:ruby:ensure task checks for a ruby as requested in application's .ruby-version file and will try to correct some misconfigurations.

$ bundle exec cap <ENVIRONMENT> opscomplete:ruby:ensure

Where <ENVIRONMENT> could be production, staging, ...

More specifically this task will:

  • Check whether you are running a 'managed ruby' (installed with OpsComplete for Ruby) or if you have to install ruby using this gem or rbenv.
  • If you are using 'unmanaged ruby':
    • Check if desired ruby version is installed. The following lookup precedence for the desired version is being used:
      1. The value of :opscomplete_ruby_version from your capistrano config. Leave this empty unless you want to override the desired version.
      2. A file in the release_path on the server (e.g. /var/www/
      3. A file in the current working directory of your local checkout (e.g. /home/user/code/myapp/.ruby-version)
    • If the desired version is not installed, it checks if it can be installed and installs it.
    • Check if the global version is set according to application's .ruby-version file. Change it if required.
    • Install bundler. It is tried to determine the version that was used to create the Gemfile.lock (BUNDLED WITH) if it is present.
    • Install geordi gem if required.
    • Rehash the shims if required.

Note: If, for any reason, no .ruby-version file can be found in your release or current working directory, you may set the following option in deploy.rb:

set :opscomplete_ruby_version, '<VERSION>'

Optional: By default, the ruby version is checked/installed for all server roles. If you want to limit the rbenv operations to certain roles, set rbenv_roles in your deploy.rb:

set :rbenv_roles, :web
# or
set :rbenv_roles, [:web, :worker]

Optional: If you want a specific bundler version other than the one that is set in Gemfile.lock available for your release, set it in your deploy.rb:

set :bundler_version, '<VERSION>'

e.g. if you need bundler version 2.x:

set :bundler_version, '~>2'

Optional: By default, the rubygems version defined by the ruby-build manifest will be installed. If you want a specific rubygems version available for your release, set it in your deploy.rb:

set :rubygems_version, '<VERSION>'

Using capistrano hooks

There are many hooks available in the default deploy flow to integrate tasks into your own deployment configuration. To ensure a ruby version according to your application is installed during deployment, add the following to your Capfile.

after 'deploy:updating', 'opscomplete:ruby:ensure'

Managing your nodejs version with capistrano-opscomplete

You can manage NodeJS also with capistrano-opscomplete. It will check the .nvmrc, .node-version and .tool-versions in the release directory (in this order) or you can configure it with :opscomplete_nodejs_version in your capistrano configuration.

Include the gem in your applications Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-opscomplete'

Now, add some hooks in your capistrano configuration (e.g. deploy.rb). An example configuration could look like this:

# After unpacking your release, before bundling, compiling assets, ...
after 'deploy:updating', 'opscomplete:nodejs:ensure'
# reload puma
after 'deploy:published', 'opscomplete:puma:reload'

The version for the NodeJS installation has to be a specific version and not a floating version like, e.g. lts/gallium.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. Don't hesitate to open a new issue.


Capistrano tasks for easy deployment to a makandra opscomplete environment.







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