- User is greeted by splash page with login window / register link
- User enters username (email) & password with input fields
- User submits form and database entry for user login time is created
- Database is queried with user email & compares hashed password
- Returns GYST show page. Shows index with input / tasks listed /clock component
- User can enter task in ‘tasks’ input component with submit task (create Task - POST)
- When several tasks are created - user can press start button to initialize clock component
- Each Task will run will run for 25 minute with a 5 minute break.
- After each task is completed is rotated to the bottom of the list
- After clicking on a task a modal will populate offering the user options to change priority, delete task, or update notes/name of task, save tasks.
- After logging out the uncompleted tasks (that are not saved) are deleted from DB
- Session logout time is updated for user
- Some session work would be worth investigating after a rebuild