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RadAR - a COMP30022 project

Product Description

RadAR - an app for meeting up.

RadAR is an Android application built to help you find your friends and meet up with the help of augmented reality (AR). Create a group, set your meeting point and just start!. RadAR will then show you the location of you, your friends and your destinations either on a map or as an augmented reality overlay for the camera.

With Chats, you can communicate with your friends: plan your next meetup, ask them for directions, or just have a chat with them!

Android application

Android client/front-end for RadAR.

Device Requirements

  • Android Lollipop (5.0) or above
  • Camera2 API support
  • Compass, gyroscope and GPS
  • Other dependencies listed in build.gradle and app/build.gradle in radAR2. Android Studio will automatically download the dependencies on compile/build time.


The server for this application is placed on a remote VPS and runs our backend, which runs our RESTful API, accessible at

The server requires Node.js (v8 or above), npm and a MongoDB server running on localhost:27017. Unit tests for the backend can be run without an active MongoDB instance, however, the backend components still expect the dependencies to be present at runtime.

Server requirements

  • Node.js version 8 or above
  • MongoDB v3.4.7 or above, running on the same server (localhost:27017, can be changed in backend/server.js)
  • Dependencies from package.json. Install the dependies by cding into the backend directory and running npm install.


  • backend contains the source code for the Node.js backend application, which runs on the server.
  • radAR2 containis the source code for the Android application, as described below.

How to use

See here for a guide to the application.

Deploy/install instructions


Make sure Node.js and MongoDB is installed, and make sure MongoDB is running. Install dependencies by running npm install. To start the server, simply run npm start. The server will listen on port 8080 by default (DEV environment). In PRODUCTION, the server listens on port 8443 (forwarded from 443 using iptables) using HTTPS certificates for the API endpoint (not provided).

Android Application

Android Studio 3.0 is required to open the project and build the application, available here. Previous versions of Android Studio are untested as the app relies on features available from the newer version of Build Tools supported only by version 3.0 and above.

The source code uses Build Tools 26.0.2. If a build fails and the IDE requests you to install or upgrade Build Tools, please do so and build the source code again. To build the source code, please ensure all of the dependencies requested by Gradle are installed and/or granted.

To get the .apk (application installer file), simply select either the Build APKs or Generate Signed APK options in the Build menu in Android Studio, the latter requiring application signing keys. This .apk file can be installed on Android devices meeting the above system requirements.

To install the application on a device with USB debugging enabled (using ADB - Android Debug Bridge: connect the device and select app in Run Configurations. If prompted, grant USB debugging permissions on the device. The device should show up on the Run menu (for app). Select the device and click on Run to deploy and run the application on the connected device.

Tests: how to run


Run npm install (if not already), which will also install the dependencies required for running the unit tests. To install mocha (the test driver) globally, run npm install -g mocha. You can then run individual test cases by running mocha name, where name is the name to be pattern matched against.

Run npm run-script unit to run all backend unit tests. To run all tests (requires a MongoDB server to be up on localhost:27017), run npm test.


To run a test, ensure that you have the project opened in Android Studio. Find the radar.radar (test) folder. Right click on that folder and select Run Tests in "radar".

When all of the dependencies are installed properly by Gradle, tests should work fine. If the tests fail to compile or execute, attempt a full rebuild of the project. If it doesn't work, opt to invalidate caches and restart the IDE. If it still doesn't work, please open an issue or get back to us.

The Team - Team Oxygen

Full Name GitHub Username Student ID
Edelin Onggo edelinonggo 784172
Kenneth Aloysius krusli 772449
Maleakhi Wijaya maleakhiw 784091
Muhammad Fadhil Anshar nightietime 727214
Ricky Tanudjaja rtanudjaja 773597


Android Application radAR






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