Open source JavaScript library for 3D multi-block visualization
Generation 3D GIS platform that integrates and visualizes AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) areas and traditional 3D spatial information (3D GIS). Integrate AEC and 3D GIS in a web browser, indoors, outdoors, indistinguishable. You can browse and collaborate on large-scale BIM (Building Information Modeling), JT (Jupiter Tessellation), and 3D GIS files without installing any programs on the web browser.
- Integration of AEC and 3D GIS
- Seamless connection of indoor and outdoor spaces
- Runs on a web browser and does not require a separate plug-in or ActiveX installation
- It is developed based on open source (Cesium, Web World Wind) and has excellent openness and scalability
- Efficient management and ultra-fast rendering of high-capacity 3-D files
- IFC(Industry Foundation Classes)
- JT(Jupiter Tessellation)
- 3DS
- Antarctic Science Base Web-based 3D facility, equipment management system
- LiveDroneMap
- java8 ● Jasmine
- eclipse neon(need) ● Jsdoc
- node ● Gulp
- apache 2.4.25 Win64 ● eslint
- server settings ● JQuery
- Cesium-Custermizing
- Use git to install the source to C:\git\repository\mago3djs with git clone
- Run eclipse and import mago3djs into
Project Import File -> import -> General -> Projects from Folder or Archive
. - If you are not using git, click the Download ZIP link to install it.
- node to install Window Install (.msi) 64-bit.
- After the installation is complete, go to the C:\git\repository\mago3djs directory.
- gulp installs globally in Terminal to use the module's mockups.
C:\git\repository\mago3djs> npm install -g gulp
- 에 접속
- Installer : F4D Converter 64bit (this installation requires Windows 7 or later) 설치
- Install Path: C:\F4DConverter\
- Create a directory to store the changed f4d(outputFolder)
C:\f4d\projectname (Create a directory for each project under the data folder, the root folder)
- Save the data to be converted to C:\demo_data(inputFolder)
- Run Command Line Prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator and move to the directory where F4D Converter is installed
- Run
※ For a description of F4D Conveter argumentF4D ConveterC:\F4DConverter>F4DConverter.exe #inputFolder C:\demo_f4d #outputFolder C:\f4d\projectname #log C:\demo_f4d/logTest.txt #indexing y
- Create Symbolic Link to use transformed F4D files as web service in mago3D JS project
- Run Command Line Prompt (cmd.exe) with administrative privileges and go to mago3D JS project
C:\mago3djs>mklink /d "C:\git\repository\mago3djs\f4d" "C:\f4d" (delete is rmdir data)
- Run Command Line Prompt (cmd.exe) with administrative privileges and go to mago3D JS project
Add two configuration files. (data.json, policy.json)
- It is divided into three major areas. Attributes to store attribute values, children to store child node information, other area to store location information
- The isPhysical attribute of the - attributes field is a mandatory attribute
- The data_key of the root node of json matches the project name under the f4d folder
//attributes area
"attributes" : {
"isPhysical" : false,
"nodeType": "root",
"projectType": "project Type"
//Child node area
"children" : [
//Location information area
"data_key" : "Project name",
"data_name" : "Project name"
to find the directory to render- The characters after F4D_ in the directory name are unique identifiers
- Modify the data_key value of children from the data.json file to a unique identifier
- Modify latitude, longitude, height, heading, pitch, and roll values to appropriate values
//Child node area
"children" : [
"attributes" : {
"isPhysical" : true,
"nodeType" : "..."
"children" : [
"data_key" : "Unique identifier",
"data_name" : "Data name",
"latitude" : Enter latitude,
"longitude" : Enter longitude,
"height" : Enter height,
"heading" : Enter heading,
"pitch" : Enter pitch,
"roll" : Enter roll
- Project to be loaded at initialization, Init Camera Latitude, Longitude, CallBack Function, Geo Server setup
- Enter key value to load when initializing page,
if you want to load multiple projects
"geo_data_default_projects": [
- Fix location (lattiude, longitude) to move when web page starts
"geo_init_latitude": "Enter latitude",
"geo_init_longitude": "Enter longitude"
- Cesium ion Terrain access token setting
- When downloading the maago3D JS source, the default is to use the Cesium World Terrain.
- Issued Cesium ion token for cesium terrain application in mago3D JS. (
"geo_cesium_ion_token": "cesium ion token"
// If you run the server privately
C:\git\repository\mago3djs>node server.js
// If you run the server as public
C:\git\repository\mago3djs>node server.js --public true
// Cesium
// WorlWind