A curve()
(cardinal spline) extension for HTML5 Canvas (JavaScript).
This library extends the 2D context with a new optimized curve()
to enable drawing of cardinal splines - splines that goes through the defined
The method is passed a simple array of points and a line is drawn through them at given or default tension and segment resolution, open or closed loop.
Not to be confused with Bezier splines which uses end points and one or two control points, whereas the line is drawn somewhere between. With a cardinal spline the smooth curve goes through every point defined and you can have as many point as you wish in a single spline.
Make sure the script is loaded before a 2D context is retrieved from the canvas element.
ctx.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); // optionally move to first point
ctx.curve(points); // add cardinal spline to path
ctx.stroke(); // rasterize path
will draw the points in the array which is arranged in this manner:
[x1, y1, x2, y2, ... xn, yn]
Optionally a tension value can be given (default: 0.5):
ctx.curve(points, 0.5); // set tension [0.0, 1.0] +/-
as well as a segment resolution value (default: 20):
ctx.curve(points, 0.5, 20); // points in each segment
The curve can also be drawn closed. All arguments must be given in this case (default: false (open)):
ctx.curve(points, 0.5, 20, true); // make a closed loop
The methods returns an array with the spline points which can be used for tracking, calculate length and so forth:
var splinePoints = ctx.curve(points);
Released under MIT license. You can use this class in both commercial and non-commercial projects provided that full header (minified and developer versions) is included.
© 2013-2014 Epistemex