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Capacitor plugin to get JSON based environment specific data

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This plugin takes advantage of the iOS schemes & Android product flavors to provide a JSON configuration to the running web application.
This extra configuration improves your environment management if you followed the Create Environment Specific Configuration guide.

The advantages of using this plugin instead of managing the environment inside the web application:

  • One web application build instead of one per environment
  • Better development experience in the native IDEs by only switching the scheme/flavor
  • On Android, build all the applications with one command (ex: gradlew bundleRelease) instead of one per environment


Maintainer GitHub Social
Maxime Amillastré mamillastre


npm install @mamillastre/capacitor-environment
npx cap sync


This configuration guide conciders that you already followed the Create Environment Specific Configuration guide and created the Android product flavors & the iOS schemes.


Add your environment information in the Capacitor plugin configuration Capacitor plugin configuration.

Example in capacitor.config.ts:

/// <reference types="@mamillastre/capacitor-environment" />

import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
  plugins: {
    Environment: {
      environments: {
        default: { path: 'path/to/my/environment.production.json' },
        otherEnvironmentName: { path: 'path/to/an/other/environment.json' },

export default config;


npx cap copy


Open up the Capacitor application’s iOS project in Xcode by running: npx cap open ios.

Create a new environment group without folder (Right-click on the App group, under the App target, and select New Group without Folder from the context menu. If not visible, hold the Option key to reveal the New Group without Folder command).

In the Finder, open the ios/App/App/environment folder.
It contains all the copied configuration files sorted into named folders.
For each of the environment.json files in these folders:

  • Drag & drop the JSON files from Finder into the new environment group in Xcode.
  • In the add to the project options (automatically displayed by Xcode):
    • Select the Reference files in place action
    • Check ONLY the target that corresponds to the environment file
    • Press "Finish"


To allow TypeScript autocompletion, you must override the EnvironmentData interface in your app with your expected data.



import '@mamillastre/capacitor-environment';

declare module '@mamillastre/capacitor-environment' {
  /** My app environment data */
  export interface EnvironmentData {
    /** The environment name */
    name: string;
    /** The environment endpoint URL */
    endpoint: string;


This plugin creates the environment.json files in the native project folders. These files are generated during the Capacitor copy task and can be ignored by adding the following lines at the end of the .gitignore files:

On android/.gitignore:

# The web environment configuration. Generated during the copy

On ios/.gitignore:

# The web environment configuration. Generated during the copy

Note for the Web

An environment.json file must be available at the root your web application.
You must manage this file depending on the environment on your own.

Example on an Angular app:
You must add the asset copy on the wanted Angular configurations

"assets": [
    "glob": "environment.json",
    "input": "path/to/my/environment",
    "output": "/"


import { Environment } from '@mamillastre/capacitor-environment';

const printEnvironmentData = async () => {
  // Setting the environment version may be optional depending the cache
  // configuration you applied to the 'environment.json' file
  if (Capacitor.getPlatform() === 'web') {
    await Environment.setVersion({ version: '1.0.0' });

  // Get the environment data
  const env = await Environment.get();
  console.log('Environment data:', env);



get(options?: GetEnvironmentOptions | undefined) => Promise<EnvironmentData>

Returns the environment configuration.

Param Type
options GetEnvironmentOptions

Returns: Promise<EnvironmentData>

Since: 1.0.0


setVersion(options: SetVersionOptions) => Promise<void>

Set the app version.

Only available on web.

Allow to force the environment.json refresh when the file is cached by the browser.

Param Type
options SetVersionOptions

Since: 1.0.0



The environment data as a JSON object.

To enable the autocompletion, this interface must be extended.


Prop Type Description Since
version string | number The version number of the app. Only used on web. Allow to force the environment.json refresh when the file is cached by the browser. You can also call the "setVersion()" method to avoid to specify this parameter on each call. 1.0.0


Prop Type Description Since
version string | number The version number of the app. Provide this parameter to avoid to set this parameter on each "get()" call. 1.0.0


Prop Type Description
environments EnvironmentConfigDeclarations The environment configuration declarations.
List all project available environments.


Prop Type Description
default EnvironmentConfigInfo The mandatory default environment configuration. Usually the production configuration.
Correspond to the main flavor on Android an the App target on iOS.
[environmentName: string] EnvironmentConfigInfo The other environment configuration.
You can add as many other environments as you want.
Must be named like the used Android product flavor names.


Prop Type Description
path string The relative path of your JSON environment configuration file from the root of the project.