- Moved some implementation parts to submodules. Please, make sure, that you clone recursive, when cloning the repo.
- Moved all solutions into CMake, instead of hand-written built system (#25)
- Implemented varying easing functions for animations (#57)
- Added support for unpacked texture formats and disabling mipmaps (#82, #83, #84, #94)
- Added support for layouts (#15)
- Moved ifaceed, atlasgen, exporter to tools (#92)
- Added support for loading assets from TAR archives (#85, #86, #95, #98, #99)
- Fixed bug, when user could name resource and atlas of texture atlas with same name, causing errors (#96)
- Fixed bug, when TGA loader was unable to load compressed image (#97)
- Added support for unpacked texture formats (#82, #83, #84)
- Implemented texture cell offset hack option, which add one extra pixel in boundaries of textures (#93)
- Added support for loading assets from TAR archives (#85, #86, #95, #98, #99)
- Updated built-in Duktape version to 1.4.1 (#89)