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A utility to measure SPARQL query performance on the Manetu Platform


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The sparql-loadtest is a command-line tool to measure SPARQL query performance on the Manetu platform. The basic premise is that you may specify an arbitrary query with optional initial-bindings, and the tool will run a fixed number of iterations with the specified concurrency. After the test, the tool will compute and report various metrics such as the min/ave/max latency and the throughput rate.

This utility helps measure your cluster's overall query performance and helps optimize your SPARQL query.



  • JDK (tested with JDK22)
  • make


$ make


$ java -jar ./target/uberjar/app.jar -h
Usage: manetu-sparql-loadtest [options]

Measures the performance metrics of concurrent SPARQL queries to the Manetu platform

  -h, --help
  -v, --version                 Print the version and exit
  -u, --url URL                 The connection URL
      --insecure                Disable TLS host checking
      --[no-]progress    true   Enable/disable progress output (default: enabled)
  -l, --log-level LEVEL  :info  Select the logging verbosity level from: [trace, debug, info, error]
  -c, --concurrency NUM  64     The number of parallel jobs to run
  -d, --driver DRIVER    :gql   Select the driver from: [null, gql]
  -q, --query PATH              The path to a file containing a SPARQL query to use in test
  -b, --bindings FILE           (Optional) The path to a CSV file to cycle through as input bindings to each SPARQL query
  -n, --nr COUNT         10000  The number of queries to execute

Connection details

In addition to --url and optionally --insecure, you must set the environment variable MANETU_TOKEN to a personal access token issued from your Manetu cluster.

Test parameters

The parameters of the test include the level of concurrency (--concurrency), the number of iterations (--nr), the query (--query) specified as a path to a file containing a SPARQL expression, and optionally a set of initial bindings (--bindings) defined as a path to a CSV file.

SPARQL expression

The SPARQL expression must be legal SPARQL grammar. For example:

PREFIX manetu: <>
PREFIX mmeta:  <>

SELECT ?label

       ?s manetu:email ?email ;
          mmeta:vaultLabel ?label .

The expression may optionally contain input bindings that will be satisfied by the CSV input file specified by --bindings. The utility will submit the column header of the CSV file as a binding verbatim, with the requisite "?" prefix. For example, for the following CSV:

1,alice,[email protected]
2,bob,[email protected]

This would generate bindings such as:

{"?id": "1", "?name": "alice", "?email": "[email protected]"}

The utility will cycle through the rows for cases where the number of iterations (--nr) exceeds the rows in the --bindings. For example, if the initial bindings contains 4 rows (numbered 1-4) and the test is executed with --nr 10, the utility will generate queries with the rows cycled e.g. [1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2].


For this example, we will use a query to search the graph by email to return a vault label. We will use several files from this repository for our query and bindings. Running this example assumes you have onboarded some mock-data using the Manetu data-loader utility.

$ java -jar ./target/uberjar/app.jar -u --insecure -q ./examples/by-email/label-by-email.sparql --bindings ./examples/by-email/bindings.csv -n10000 -c64

If successful, the test should display something similar to the following:

2024-10-18T19:54:24.398Z INFO processing 10000 requests with concurrency 64
2024-10-18T19:54:24.403Z INFO Loading bindings from: ./examples/by-email/bindings.csv
10000/10000   100% [==================================================]  ETA: 00:00
| Description |      Count     |  Min  |  Mean  | Stddev |   P50  |   P90  |   P99  |   Max  |  Rate  |
| Errors      | 0 (0.0%)       | 0.0   | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    |
| Not found   | 0 (0.0%)       | 0.0   | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    |
| Successes   | 10000 (100.0%) | 29.05 | 110.79 | 35.83  | 111.48 | 147.47 | 194.54 | 419.91 | 490.11 |
| Total       | 10000 (100.0%) | 29.05 | 110.79 | 35.83  | 111.48 | 147.47 | 194.54 | 419.91 | 490.11 |
Total Duration: 20403.423232msecs

Running on Kubernetes

The following instructions allow you to deploy this tool into a Kubernetes instance. You would typically use the Kubernetes option to run the tool in close proximity to a Manetu instance running in the same cluster, though this is not strictly required.

Manetu hosts a Docker-based version of this tool on Dockerhub:

We will use this to deploy into Kubernetes.



You must inject a Personal Access Token to your Manetu instance as a Kubernetes Secret into your cluster for the tool to use, like so:

kubectl create secret generic manetu-sparql-loadtest --from-literal=MANETU_TOKEN=<your token>

Query/Bindings data

You must also deploy the query/bindings you wish to use as a Kubernetes ConfigMap. The ConfigMap should have two bindings named 'bindings.csv' and 'query.sparql', which we will use to inject the files into our deployment in the next step.

kubectl create configmap manetu-sparql-loadtest --from-file=bindings.csv=examples/by-uuid/bindings.csv --from-file=query.sparql=examples/by-uuid/query.sparql

Launching the test

Next, we can define a Kubernetes Job that leverages our secret/configmap like so:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: manetu-sparql-loadtest
      restartPolicy: Never
      - name: sparql-loadtest
        image: manetuops/sparql-loadtest:latest
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          - name: MANETU_URL
            value: https://ingress.manetu-platform
          - name: LOG_LEVEL
            value: info
          - name: LOADTEST_CONCURRENCY
            value: "64"
          - name: LOADTEST_NR
            value: "10000"
          - name: LOADTEST_QUERY
            value: "/etc/manetu/loadtest/query.sparql"
          - name: LOADTEST_BINDINGS
            value: "/etc/manetu/loadtest/bindings.csv"
          - secretRef:
              name: manetu-sparql-loadtest
          - name: data
            mountPath: "/etc/manetu/loadtest"
            readOnly: true
      - name: data
          name: manetu-sparql-loadtest

For convenience, this file is available in this repository as kubernetes/job.yaml. You may apply this like so:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/job.yaml

Obtaining results

Once the job is completed, you may use 'kubectl logs' to obtain the test results. First, obtain the name of the pod, like so:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
manetu-sparql-loadtest-4bmkh   0/1     Completed   0          28m

Then, query for the job logs, like so:

$ kubectl logs manetu-sparql-loadtest-4bmkh
+ exec java -jar /usr/local/app.jar -u https://ingress.manetu-platform -l info --no-progress --insecure --concurrency 64 --nr 10000 --query /etc/manetu/loadtest/examples/label-by-email.sparql --bindings /etc/manetu/loadtest/examples/bindings.csv
2024-10-18T23:51:00.921Z INFO processing 10000 requests with concurrency 64
2024-10-18T23:51:00.943Z INFO Loading bindings from: /etc/manetu/loadtest/examples/bindings.csv
| Description |      Count     |  Min  |  Mean  | Stddev |   P50  |   P90  |   P99  |   Max  |  Rate  |
| Errors      | 0 (0.0%)       | 0.0   | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    |
| Not found   | 0 (0.0%)       | 0.0   | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    | 0.0    |
| Successes   | 10000 (100.0%) | 26.37 | 109.17 | 42.2   | 109.07 | 144.32 | 186.83 | 586.19 | 489.78 |
| Total       | 10000 (100.0%) | 26.37 | 109.17 | 42.2   | 109.07 | 144.32 | 186.83 | 586.19 | 489.78 |
Total Duration: 20417.142784msecs

Tip: If the job is experiencing errors, you may set LOG_LEVEL to 'trace' to diagnose the problem.