The Open Bank Project API
The Open Bank Project is an open source API for banks that enables account holders to interact with their bank using a wider range of applications and services.
The OBP API supports transparency options (enabling account holders to share configurable views of their transaction data with trusted individuals and even the public), data blurring (to preserve sensitive information) and data enrichment (enabling users to add tags, comments and images to transactions).
Thus, the OBP API abstracts away the peculiarities of each core banking system so that a wide range of apps can interact with multiple banks on behalf of the account holder. We want to raise the bar of financial transparency and enable a rich ecosystem of innovative financial applications and services.
Our tag line is: Bank as a Platform. Transparency as an Asset.
The API uses OAuth 1.0 authentication.
The project roadmap is available here.
Please refer to the wiki to see the API specification.
[V1.2.1] ( is the current stable API.
This project is dual licensed under the AGPL V3 (see NOTICE) and a commercial license from TESOBE Some files (OAuth related) are licensed under the Apache 2 license.
The project uses Maven 3 as its build tool.
To compile and run jetty, install Maven 3 and execute:
./ jetty:run
Make sure you have the IntelliJ Scala plugin installed.
Create a new folder e.g. OpenBankProject and cd there
In IntelliJ IDEA do File -> New -> Project from existing sources
(Alternatively you can do File -> New -> Project from VCS and checkout from github)
When / if prompted, choose Java 1.7 and Scala 2.10 otherwise keep the defaults. Use the Maven options. Do not change the project name etc.
Navigate to test/scala/code/RunWebApp. You may see a Setup Scala SDK link. Click this and check Scala 2.10.5 or so.
In src/main/resources/props create a test.default.props for tests. Set connector=mapped
In src/main/resources/props create a .default.props for development. Set connector=mapped
Now Rebuild the project so everything is compiled.
Run RunWebApp by right clicking on it or selecting Run. The built in jetty server should start on localhost:8080
Browse to localhost:8080 but don't try anything else there yet.
Run a single test. For instance right click on test/scala/code/branches/MappedBranchProviderTest and select Run Mapp...
Run multiple tests: Right click on code and select Run. If need be:
Goto Run / Debug configurations Test Kind: Select All in Package Package: Select code Add the absolute /path-to-your-OBP-API in the "working directory" fieldMake sure your test.default.props has the minimum settings (see test.default.props.template)
Right click test/scala/code and select the Scala Tests in code to run them all.
Note: You may want to disable some tests not relevant to your setup e.g.: set bank_account_creation_listener=false in test.default.props
The default database for testing etc is H2. PostgreSQL is used for the sandboxes (user accounts, metadata, transaction cache).