This is Nutrient Forward!
NutrientForward is a website that allows users to select from a wide variety of common U.S. restaurant chains depending on where they are planning on eating. They can filter their options depending on their diet requirements (such as high in protein, low in cholestrol) and our sorting algorithms will help you find the best food option depending on your needs!
More Info for setup >>
Begin with clone this repo and then navingating to your repository. Start with using cd my_repository in your terminal to get to the appropriate folder.
You must create a virtual environment and download all the dependencies. Use the following commands for this: Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv myenv Running the virtual environment for mac: source myenv/bin/activate Running the virtual environment for windows: .\myenv\Scripts\activate.ps1
Once you see (myenv) at the beginning of your terminal command, you are ready for set up. Start with installing flask, pandas and other dependedncies. The code for downdload should be: pip install flask pandas openpyxl
So simply just run this in your terminal and wait till it is downloaded. and pip install .... (if it asks you to download anything else)
Finally once everything is downloaded and in place, run this to get your code running: python
Once it runs successfully, this will point you to a link which should be something like: This will give you a way to see updates to the website.
You wont have to do this set up everytime, just activate your virtual environment and run python and you can check out what your changes are doing!