- Single-file framework, dependency-free
- Simple inference for pretrained PyTorch models
Inference with simple neural networks where installing dependencies is not possible. This project is and will be dependency-free and has the most open open-source license. Whatever you need it for, just copy the single .py file into your project, and you can run an already-trained neural network.
Also useful for educational or academic purposes since the core functionality can be easily understood (or changed).
Since it is written 100% in Python, its performance is terrible compared to PyTorch (~500x slower). It's not designed for the training of neural networks but to load and run simple pretrained Pytorch NNs.
import ctrl_c_nn
from ctrl_c_nn import Tensor, nn, F, ImageIO
input_image = ImageIO.read_png("dog.png", num_channels=3, resize=(224, 224),
dimorder="BCHW", to_float=True,
mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
model = SqueezeNet() # when defining change all torch.nn to ctrl_c_nn.nn
output = model(input_image)
probabilities = F.softmax(output[0], dim=0)
Description | Status |
Base Tensor class | ✅ |
Tensor operations (+, *, @) | ✅ |
Tensor Broadcasting | ✅ |
Tensor Shape Manipulation (e.g. reshape) | ✅ |
Simple Layers and Non-linearities | ✅ |
Forward pass of simple NN | ✅ |
Backward pass of simple NN | 🔶 WIP |
Convolutional Layers | ✅ |
Transposed Conv & Upsampling | 🔶 WIP |
Transformer Layers | ❌ |
Reading pth files | ✅ |
Forward pass of CNN | ✅ |
Backward pass of CNN | ❌ |
Image IO: Read PNG files | ✅ |
Image IO: Read JPG files | ❌ |
Image IO: Save images | ❌ |
... | ❌ |
... | ❌ |
Hopefully one day
Description | Status |
GPU Matmul (e.g. OpenCL) | ❌ |
Autograd | ❌ |
... | ❌ |
from ctrl_c_nn import Tensor
a = Tensor.zeros(2, 4, 8, 2)
b = Tensor.zeros((2, 8))
c = a@b # shape (2, 4, 8, 8)
d = c[0, 2:, :, :1] + b.unsqueeze(2) # shape (2,8,1)
e = d.reshape((1,2,4,2,1)) + 1 # shape (1,2,4,2,1)
f = e.sum(3) # shape (1,2,4,1)
g = e.permute((3,0,2,1)) # shape (1, 1, 4, 2)
from ctrl_c_nn import nn, Tensor
# it's the simplest to define the network as one Sequential
model = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(20, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 2),
loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
for i in range(2000):
input_tensor = Tensor.random_float((8, 20))
target_tensor = Tensor.fill(output_tensor.shape, 1.0)
# no zero_grad() atm (grads dont accumulate)
output_tensor = model(input_tensor)
loss = loss_fn(output_tensor, target_tensor)
print("loss", loss.item(), " iteration", i)
dout = loss_fn.backward(loss)
dout = model.backward(dout)