A Neovim plugin that automatically reloads files when they are changed outside of the editor.
A pure-lua implementation that doesn't uses external binaries.
- Wakes neovim up to reload files in a given interval
- Optional notifications when files are reloaded
- Simple commands to enable/disable/toggle auto-reload
- Cursor position behavior after reload, like always scroll to the bottom
Using lazy.nvim:
cmd = "Autoread",
opts = {},
-- Default configuration
-- Check interval in milliseconds
interval = 500,
-- Show notifications when files change
notify_on_change = true,
-- How to handle cursor position after reload: "preserve", "scroll_down", or "none"
cursor_behavior = "preserve",
:Autoread [interval]
- Toggle autoread on/off with optional temporary interval in milliseconds When providing an interval, it will update the interval if enabled or enable with that interval if disabled, rather than toggling off.:AutoreadOn [interval]
- Enable autoread with optional temporary interval in milliseconds:AutoreadOff
- Disable autoread for current buffer:AutoreadAllOff
- Disable autoread for all buffers:AutoreadCursorBehavior <behavior>
- Set cursor behavior for current buffer ("preserve", "scroll_down", or "none"):AutoreadGlobalCursorBehavior <behavior>
- Set cursor behavior for all buffers ("preserve", "scroll_down", or "none")
The plugin triggers the following User events that you can hook into:
- Before checking files for changesAutoreadPostCheck
- After checking files for changesAutoreadPreReload
- Before reloading changed filesAutoreadPostReload
- After reloading changed files
Example of using events:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "AutoreadPostReload",
callback = function(event)
-- event.data contains the FileChangedShellPost event data
print("File reloaded:", event.data.file)
NOTE: The plugin does not setup a file watcher, instead it lets neovim handle it, by just poking it to wake up.
Neovim uses the checktime
command to detect file changes, see :h checktime
This also gets triggered by itself, but only on an update, like a window refocus.
This plugin makes a somewhat wrapper for the checktime
command, by calling it on every interval
with some additional features, like scroll to the bottom.
I discovered an edge case where the cursor position resets if the check (called with checktime
happens exactly when a file is being cleared/written. When this happens, the buffer temporarily
becomes empty, causing the cursor to jump to the top,
also firing a FileChangedShellPost
event (used in the script to determine a real file change).
And once the file has been fully written, it triggers another file change event.
With the cursor_behavior = "preserve"
we keep a track of the cursor position
and apply it only then when the file is not empty.