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Mapping Manuscript Migrations data conversion pipeline

Currently the pipeline includes the following steps:

  1. Create a directory called data with a subdirectory for each of the source databases and download the input RDF data as follows: (manual)

    • Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (sdbm): (you have to be logged in)

    • Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries (bodley):

      • To combine files into input.ttl:

        for f in *.rdf; do (rapper $f -i rdfxml -o turtle) > $f.ttl; done;

        cat *.ttl| rapper - "" -i turtle -o turtle > input.ttl

    • Bibale Database (bibale):

    • CSV of Bibale shelfmark city locations to data/additional/bibale_locations.csv

    • CSV of manual manuscript links to data/additional/manuscript_links.csv

    • CSV of Bibale/Bodley Phillipps numbers to data/additional/phillipps_numbers.csv

    • CSVs of actor Recon runs to data/additional/recon_actors_{LETTER}_{DATE}.csv

      • where {LETTER} corresponds to actor name starting letter
      • and {DATE} corresponds to date in format YYYY-MM-DD
      • (e.g., recon_actors_A_2019-05-22.csv)
    • CSVs of work Recon runs to data/additional/recon_works_{LETTERS}_{DATE}.csv

      • similarly, e.g., recon_works_J-P_2019_06_10.csv
  2. Set up input databases (automated)

    • Load data/sdbm/input.ttl to http://localhost:3051/ds/sparql
    • Load data/bodley/input.ttl to http://localhost:3052/ds/sparql
    • Load data/bibale/input.ttl to http://localhost:3053/ds/sparql
  3. Convert input datasets to unified data model and reconcile some of the contained entities (automated)

    • Transform data using SPARQL CONSTRUCTs
    • Link Bibale places to GeoNames (You'll need GeoNames API key(s) for this)
      • You can add GeoNames API keys to .env in format GEONAMES_KEY=<key> GEONAMES_KEY2=<key 2> GEONAMES_KEY3=<key 3> ...
      • Keys are throttled when the API temporal query limit is exhausted
    • Reconcile all place references, fetch place information from TGN
    • Link manuscripts and works that have shared identifiers or manual links
    • Link actors that have shared identifiers or manual links
  4. Deploy the final RDF files into SPARQL endpoint http://localhost:3050/ds/sparql

Build, convert, and run


Deploy new output files without data conversion


Rebuild after updating CONSTRUCT queries

Avoid rebuilding the input Fuseki.

Build the images:

docker-compose build

Convert again and run:


Rebuild after updating input data


Validating the output



docker-compose logs -f

Running tests

cd transform/src

GEONAMES_KEY=<APIKEY> nosetests -v --with-doctest

Replace <APIKEY> with your GeoNames APIKEY.